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Also referred to as “The Chariot of Ascension”, “Chariot of Light” or “Light Body”, the MERKABA (or otherwise spelt MER KA BAH), is a light-encoded structure that is part of our blueprint soul architecture. The etymology of the term originates from Atlantean (pre-Ancient Egyptian) language and light/sound codes; Mer means “light”, Ka means “spirit”, and Ba means “body”.

It is constructed as two intersecting tetrahedron forms to create a Star/Stellar Tetrahedron, which houses the physical, etheric and energetic bodies within. More commonly, the MERKABA is envisaged as a six-pointed star — the Star of David (✡), which surrounds the host Be-ing. It is also reminiscent and related to the Metatronic Star-coding System, also known as “Metatron’s Cube”. These interrelated forms refer to the Light Body component of our soul make-up and when activated, allow inter-dimensional flight, travel and communication.

The collective human history of the MERKABA has been purposely manipulated and masked to betray its true purpose and significance in our evolution as Sovereign Light Be-ings. The adoption of the six-pointed star as the “Star of David” in Jewish lore is an example of this. The religious manipulations of this symbol have caused its true origins to become corrupted by the beings that instigated those religions into our human consciousness and the Planetary Mind Grid(s) in the first place. Its truth has been fragmented to a fraction of its original understanding, although Hermetic mystics and biblical scholars were closest in their deduction, which was information not commonly shared beyond their peers. Certain religions that covet the use of this symbol do indeed understand of its energetic power and influence, although misinterpreted. As it is a Universal code and structure however, all Be-ings have a right to its use and application, regardless of the intention behind it.

As part of the original human blueprint and for other Be-ings who came to this planet for The Experiment, the MERKABA functioned both as a vehicle and bio-component of the soul. It was used as a means of inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional travel and communication, without the use of physically-bound technologies. The MERKABA, as a form of Universal intelligence and technology in and of itself, operated on all quantum levels of understanding. It is a natural function of the MERKABA to spin around the host, with each tetrahedron (pyramid form) revolving in accordance with their light quotient or embodied frequency. During certain periods in ‘human’ civilisation such as Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis, our planetary field was at a lesser density and higher vibrational level, which allowed the MERKABAs of Star Be-ings and souls incarnated here to operate as initially intended.

After the last great downfall of Atlantis (around approximately 13,000 B.C.E.) - in no small part due to the invasion of the Imposter Gods, Annunaki and Reptilians, and subsequent energetic corruption of the planetary grid - the Earth’s vibrational field dropped substantially. The Galactic and Star Portals, and their communication systems, were shutdown, causing a relay affect through the many dimensional levels and realities that the MERKABAs operated through. Over the millennia, the planetary body and corresponding energetic field gradually became denser, its frequency dropping as linear ‘time’ passed. For these reasons, MERKABAs were prevented from operating naturally, unable to operate fluidly in tandem with Earth’s field — understand that the MERKABA is reliant on the frequency/density of the environment in which it operates in. With the Galactic and Star Portals collapsed and all means of cross-dimensional transportation prevented, souls continued to incarnate on this planet, their energetic experiences (karma) recycled, with no exit. With each incarnation, and with the Earth becoming denser, the MERKABA Light Body gradually came to cease operation altogether. This is the case for most souls now, and has been for thousands of years (of incarnating here).

Since the 2012 Great Activation and gradual Awakening of Souls on this planet, realising the Truth of All That Is and our purpose here in carrying through the New Earth to Remember our collective her/histories, the MERKABA is now a viable construct for communication with our Star Families, Guides, and for use in inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional travel. The Earth body has Ascended (as of 2017) and the MERKABA is our vehicle to Ascension also, if we choose. The Galactic Portals and Star System Anchors have been re-integrated in that time, though still undergoing healing and repair, and the frequency of Earth’s body (measured as the Schumann’s Resonance) has jumped incrementally since and continues to do so in massive amounts.

The MERKABA star formation can be reinitiated to spin through an Activation process; or by conscious intent, energy healing, or meditation. Chanting the sound/light codes of “MER”, “KA”, “BA”, in sequence with a visualisation of the intersecting tetrahedron forms around the physical and energetic bodies, can also activate it. The six-pointed MERKABA can be enhanced/attuned to a 12-pointed variation, a Stellar Dodecahedron, by rotating it to the left (or right) and creating a duplication that erects itself in 12-pointed form. Using a 12-pointed MERKABA will ensure that the host is protected, grounded and invisible to all that is not of the Highest Light in all 12 dimensions. When visualising, one can see the construct in 2D (flat) or 3D (polygonal).

Activation of the MERKABA awakens higher dimensional levels of awareness, intelligence and understanding. It allows for stability in meditations or astral travel, as no grounding cord is needed. When in your activated MERKABA, any energy or Be-ing that is not of the Highest Light, must show their Truth and their REALised form and is subject to Universal Law not to deceive. It is more easily possible to discern lower and higher vibrational energies when in the protection of your MERKABA.

Meditation is highly recommended every morning (and evening), visualising or consciously stating the activation/presence of your MERKABA. It is imperative to allow the MERKABA to drive its natural re-activation and spin, to allow the appropriate amount of energy and light through to your physical body. The MERKABA is Creational Intelligence made Light in form and therefore will revolve at the velocity most in alignment with your vibrational state. MERKABAs assist to balance the forces of energy from the Source fields, by creating a neutral field (zero point), at the core of the host Be-ing, which expands outwards. This feedback loop is alike to other Creational, Cosmic, Universal and Galaxy fields, which have an integrative, regenerative centre — often seen as a toroid pattern.

The MERKABA was created for the ‘original’ human species and is the embodiment of the Cosmic Law of One; our 12 Dimensional blueprint. It is a living Light Body representing the intersectional unification of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine Principles, with each tetrahedron corresponding with this dualistic system. It reflects the particle/anti-particle light waves of Creation becoming One, in a Trinitised Form, attuned directly to the Universal Intelligence of this Universe.


© 2018 Elise Kristina Bonato | GODDESS TRUTH ALCHEMY. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 Elise Kristina Bonato | AURORA HARMONICS. All Rights Reserved.

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All content, including archived writings, are Light-encoded and energetically purposed in this manner to activate, stimulate and elevate multidimensional awareness, cellular memories and programming, authentic Awakening, and deep core soul healing for the Greater Good of All. As a result, you may experience triggers related to old programs and lower-vibrational distortions that were not previously visible or felt that, when freed and resolved inwardly, may contribute to supporting your organic Ascension process, Light Body harmonisation and highest-aligned spiritual path. Honour your Self through any instance where this may occur, with the empowered understanding that by becoming aware/conscious of these patterns, memories and programming, you are being provided with an opportunity to clear, purify, activate and integrate your Light and multidimensional Aspects. Through the loving and divinely guided sharing of these offerings, perspectives, encodement and wisdom, we intend to contribute and support All through their Awakening and Ascension processes, through Truthful and embodied Remembering.

Everything provided/shared/gifted through the ARCHIVE and our NEWSLETTERS is made possible through the generosity and reciprocation of this energy through donations. We thank ALL with divine Universal Love who contribute and support the continuation of this immense and abundant work that we actualise into Light-encoded forms for the Greater Good of All. With your generous donations, we are able to accomplish so much more, dedicating energy to delivering and archiving sacred material and wisdom that has the Infinite Potential to support and assist individual and collective experiences on the authentic spiritual path.

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