As we transition into the linear month of NOVEMBER, we are traversing out from an intense Solar (SOUL-ar) emissions capsule within Galactic time-space, where Aurora Teams, Guardians and Gridworkers have been integrating and insulating Rainbow plasma Light fields to stabilise unique electro-magnetic activity in the Planetary bio-sphere. These Solar (SOUL-ar) ejections from our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) are new Light equation packets (flares) and instructions sets to repair and correct the axiotonal relationship of the planet Earth with the Cosmic Heart of this Universe.
The acceleration of Solar emissions (flares) and Light stimuli interacting and communing with the electromagnetic fields of the Earth have been abundantly visible to the human physical eye through escalated Aurora (Borealis) activity. This is being perceived even in populated surface areas of the planet that are not usually privy to this magnificent phenomena.
Much of this intelligent Light material (frequency packets) will KEY (code) into cellular Remembering regarding the true her/history of the Hyperborean civilisation that were responsible for and embodied living Light intelligence for the original Gaian matrix. Numerous Monadic templates relevant to these collective consciousness memories were corrupted as a result of the escalated off-world interference driven by World War Cataclysm in the second and third decades of the 20th Century. The distortions that resulted out from these events and the invasive systems (false code structures) that were implanted into the Planetary Architecture during those periods are fuelling consciousness patterning and mind control software in present day circumstance.
See the related article DIAMOND CONVERGENCE for the complete QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE for NOVEMBER 2021.
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