The following QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE makes reference to a selection of polarising subjects regarding events in the scope our contemporary her/history that may be challenging to confront for the reader/seeker through direct discourse. We intend this encodement - as written - to be in support of deepening spiritual awareness and to disclose TRUTH for the education and revelation of higher (dimensional) intelligence. This is being perceived from the Guardian perspective, at a scale that incorporates Galactic and Meta-Galactic interpretations of matters concerned. It is pivotal to promoting the LIBERATION of Humanity and the collective consciousness on the planet by observing these events and activities as part of a millennia-long coordination of anti-Life and anti-human agendas by several negatively-oriented groups. Through neutral observation of these timelines and bringing LIGHT to what is unfolding on other levels of dimensionality, we provide gateways for personal healing and recollection of real, actual collective experience beyond any mind control and mainstream media distortion. Please be discerning about your readiness and emotional capacity to review and receive what is being lovingly shared, and where necessary, exercise your spiritual tools to orient any Remembering and trauma responses — being accountable and self-honouring for what may arise for revelation and integration.
In the sonorous echoes of the recent Lion’s Gate period (July 21 - August 12), we are continuing to witness a fracturing of Controller systems and Phantom Architecture, of which had been insinuated covertly and then erected overtly over the course of many thousands of years by the Negative Imposters (NAA). The Lion’s Gate, which entails the Heliacal rising of Sothis according to Ancient Egyptian lore and astrological wisdom, refers to the rising of the star Sirius in respect to Earth’s placement in the Solar System. Additionally, it is at this time within the linear year that the central portion of the Orion constellation - the triple-star belt - aligns with that of the Great Pyramids in Egypt. Tangible evidence of the geodesic knowledge that the Ancients harboured still remains to this day in these very structures, furthering our understanding of Humanity as not a product of primitive evolutionary biology, but an advanced consciousness that applied mathematical law within socio-cultural and spiritual frameworks in varying capacities through time. The pyramidal architecture of this specific area in Egypt also marks a central latitudinal ley-line that encircles the entire Earth body, and runs adjacent to the Equatorial band of the planet. Belonging to the White Lion grid network, which is a variant of the original Solar Logos, this major ley-line corridor is being restored to harmonise with the Rainbow architecture that was braided into the morphogenic planetary field in recent months. From the untethering (triggered release) of collective memories around the continual destruction of artefacts and architecture that celebrate and harness said higher-vibrational energy networks, through noting what does remain and has survived (the Great Pyramids and Great Sphinx as examples), we are able to clearly perceive how certain negatively-oriented groups have deliberately struck down and erased our her/history with intentions of controlling and separating Humanity from its accumulated consciousness and collective intelligence.
The mechanisms of destruction for controlling and manipulating consciousness, purposed by the Negative Imposters (NAA) and their associated Elite involve genocide, cataclysm, environmental devastation and war, not to mention also the byproducts of all these. The emancipation of collective and individual soul memories, as a result of this activity in the immediate experience now are revealing suppressed distortions for those who courageously seek the TRUTH regarding all constructs and systems manipulated intentionally towards socio-political corruption, corporate capitalism, brutalisation of the natural environment and the abuse of all forms of life; human and animal. Be discerning of the marketed view of which is governed by these Controller systems that perpetuate the ancestral and collective trauma from thousands of years to insinuate themselves further as the victors in all respects. Remain Sovereign in the core of your Heart-Spirit and ask for support from your Guides, Source and the Light when feeling the effects of this Remembering. Many are experiencing this as a de-stabilisation of the Emotional Body and central spinal alignment of the bio-energetic field, which has been manipulated and distorted ongoing by imposed threats upon safety, security and equity of being/living throughout her/history. To a further extreme, upwards of 97% of people currently incarnated upon the planet at this present time are operating with a Reversal energy system, which is a negation of the core-spiral (spinal) alignment of their true being (Soul nature). From the Guardian perspective and from what has been explained when collaborating with Awakening souls within the Ascension timeline, this orientation distorts the human aspect (ego personality) from accurately determining prospective timelines and the highest-aligned path, by framing their position in time-space in the wrong direction gravitationally. We have been working constantly to help souls re-orient themselves, correcting their Soul’s axis and electro-magnetic field, recognising this as another product of insidious mind control and manipulation of consciousness here on Earth. In support of this advanced energy grid work for various individuals includes liberating them of false timelines referencing cataclysm, devastation and war that enforce this entrapment — as well as extracting related negative technologies, implants and reversal structures throughout the Soul architecture.
Since the energetic height of the recent Lion’s Gate (August 8), it has been constant, relentless Remembering, releasing, transmutation and gridwork to maintain BALANCE in the wake of deliberate orchestrated attempts by the NAA to re-boot the dismantling Armageddon software. The Armageddon program is a false matrix and mind control virus operating through the Lunar-powered Logos and Phantom Architecture. This Lunar network is a negative technology perpetrated by Controller groups that displaced the Solar Logos approximately 11,000 years ago when the artificial satellite and base of their operations - known as the Moon - was forcibly parasitised to Earth’s gravitational field. This technology has been a central factor in the war on consciousness on the planet and is not new information to those who incarnated during and have recovered memories of Atlantis and the Atlantean civilisation. By this, we refer to the fact that the Moon did not exist during or preceding the Atlantean Age. The invasive manoeuvring of the Moon as we know it to be today in our immediate astronomical environment is actually very recent and is a significant component in the invasion of certain negatively-oriented groups and lineages. To this day these beings are enforcing false timelines through Reversal systems, viral software and Beast machinery by orchestrating narratives of war, inciting conflict and invasion, fuelling separatism, perpetuating fear programming, influencing displacement of life, disconnecting souls from sacred land/artefacts/architecture to which will activate them into their higher (vibrational) awareness, forcing masses of people into seeking refuge, soft-killing through bio-chemical warfare, and controlling/inhibiting access to clean and non-toxic resources. ’The Great Reset’, as referred to by many aware of the play-by-play of what is now unfolding ‘in the open’ is an attempt to further instigate the aims of the Negative Imposter Agenda (NAA). They have done this on countless occasions throughout the breadth of Earth’s true her/history, literally wiping civilisations out, erasing magnificent and beatific structures of human excellence, hijacking wisdom and distorting the over-arching narrative of Human civilisation to wire themselves into positions of elite capital and governance. In that process, through any energetic emissions, miasma and negative emotional material that results from the trauma and devastation imposed upon Humanity, they ultimately use to feed off of in order to perpetuate their own existence and controller status. The purpose-less destruction of the true her/history of Humanity through controlled geomagnetic/geothermic technology and other concentrated energy weaponry has been frequently employed by the Controllers to bury, flood and burn endless sources of divine wisdom. As they have done throughout various cycles—aeons on Earth, these negatively-oriented beings are utilising the same means and corresponding narratives to wipe out and “reset” areas of the planet, annihilating resources, information and Truth; especially concerning the nature of their interference on Earth and the greater Solar System.
This September will be mark the 20th anniversary of the activation of the Armageddon software, erected by the NAA-controlled Elite and henceforth establishing the Anti-Life, Anti-Humanist agenda that has been perpetuated in direct parallel to the Ascension timeline. As was directed by Aurora Teams and Light Guardians at the beginning of this linear year of 2021, we would ultimately be seeing desperate efforts by the Controllers to re-cycle and ‘re-boot’ this software after certain Beast machinery, negative technologies and false grids were collapsed and recycled for transmutation by Gridworkers. For millennia, these efforts to subvert the rise and Ascension of consciousness, liberation of Humanity and the shift into higher dimensional orientations within the physical realms (3rd Dimensionality) on this planet have been constant and relentless. For all Life, we are being reminded of the cruciality to remain Sovereign, to be the sole director and CREATOR of our reality—lived experience, NOW. What is stimulated - SIMULATED - into the false matrices of this entangled projection of socio-cultural systems is attempting to distract, destabilise and be an antithesis to the magnificent movement into multi-dimensional Unity Consciousness, LIBERATION and TRUTH for all Be-ings here on Earth—Gaia and extended Galactic networks benefiting and contributing from this shift. The NAA and administers of this agenda (such as the Elite, dark puppets, corporate systems and false prophets) are attempting to retrace and revert the false grid architecture back to a point where it operated at the activation point of the Armageddon software that occurred on September 11, 2001. This advanced negative technology of causing Reversal time-loops, time traps and frequency fencing is powered by false timelines, consciousness wiping and DNA manipulation on levels that cannot be perceived unless you have been REMOVED, DISCONNECTED and LIBERATED from that Phantom Architecture. Gridworkers are advancing on mass, working in cohesion with the Solar Rishi, Solar Dragons and original Creators on this planet to initiate the ANTIDOTE to this agenda projection and insinuation into what remains of the false Logos. As mentioned, this false Logos is an NAA technology that is powered by the Lunar Satellite — the Moon, introduced into the Earth’s gravitational and morphogenic field in the years following the Fall of Atlantis. Utilising the Lunar hub as a base for NAA operations, it also served as a significant component in the manipulation and systemic perversion of the Planetary Architecture of Earth and original Solar Logos that extended throughout this entire Star (Solar) System. With a substantial amount of this false architecture being dismantled by Guardians and Gridworkers in parallel to the perpetuation of the Armageddon initiatives of the NAA, we are witnessing their very public, yet vain attempts to make use of as much energy harvesting technology as is possible for what remains in operation. Contrary to what is being presented ‘on the ground’ and through mainstream media avenues, the end to all Reversal systems and related mind control software is nigh. In order to affirm this, We speak at the Heart and give no consent to these actions of manipulation, no consent to the objectification and abuse of Life (Force), the collective energy of Humanity, which is FREE to choose to live in HARMONY and with absolute PEACE, for All Be-ings and All people. If you feel called to, command this now in your own awareness through sacred oration, inwardly or aloud.
As the Negative Imposters (NAA) have done for tens of thousands of years, manipulating and subverting wisdom, knowledge and the true her/history of Humanity, there is evidence in this present time (external reality) of their weaponisation of narratives and information that is deliberately left incomplete, distorted or inverted for the purposes of disrupting TRUTH. Enforcing weaponised narratives is a form of mind control and energy warfare that utilises collective memories - most especially false timelines and IMPLANTed memory (DNA) - to entrap and corrupt consciousness. At this time, the Controllers are using displacement of life through orchestrated war narratives, as well as utilising perverse negative technologies that manipulate the geomantic and meteorological experience within the Earth’s atmosphere to destabilise areas that contain evidence of either the false dialogues (false history) and/or to obscure—even terminate evidence of the true her/history of Humanity on various levels. This is not just in the landscape of the Earth, by demolishing, burning and flooding any material evidence, but by displacing and eradicating the very people who hold in their molecular biology the DNA memories of the Truth. This is a violation of our Soul’s divine right to embody the Light in all its diversity of form here in the physical realm, as human beings, by way of our natural evolutionary potential to experience Ascension.
From the Guardian perspective, current world events are replicating the same invasive manoeuvres of the Negative Imposters (NAA) that were carried out via the 10th Dimensional Stargate of Earth that is located in Iran and Iraq, approximately 10,000 years ago. Through this Stellar Gateway, the NAA gained control over the 10th Dimensional Stargate and commenced what is referred to by Gridworkers and Gatekeepers as the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion. These Imposter beings and Negative Aliens infiltrated the Solar Logos and Earth’s Planetary Architecture at this gateway point, before hijacking the surrounding Life systems and corrupting them to power their false technologies and Beast machinery. In that process, immense amounts of distortions, dark entities, parasites and AI-simulated beings poured forth into Earth’s morphogenic field and energy grids. The result was an inversion and perversion of a balanced society, formed on the basis of equal Feminine and Masculine counterparts, although compromised by recent events that had taken place regarding the last Fall of Atlantis. Part of the invasion agenda was to abuse and subvert the Divine Feminine on Earth and warp human civilisation into a patriarchal system that they could capitalise on and parasitise, as it is the Divine Mother principle that operates as the protector and keeper of all consciousness material within this Harmonic Universe. By reversing the bi-lateral creation threading that the Divine Mother is responsible for (on all planets) and bypassing this to power their Lunar base, Phantom Architecture and other negative technologies purposed for energy harvesting, the inevitable result was an erasure of Galactic War memories and DNA material respect to the original Human Divine blueprint that enabled conscious awareness of our true origins.
False history (timeline) material is constantly being re-cycled to power corporate (read: corrupt) systems that enforce the brutalisation of Life and enslavement of consciousness on the planet. These acts fuel separation, fear and depravity on levels that can be immediately witnessed by All, even ‘asleep’ or amnesic humans. The products of invasion and war, such as black market trade and trafficking, plus energetic emissions and miasma that results from this activity becomes what these negatively-oriented groups capitalise on; even on-sell, off world to their collaborators. For All Life and Humanity at this time, we are being shown clearly - in the open - how we are subscribing to media dialogues that perpetuate distraction, fear-mongering and utilise hypnotism to further entangle consciousness into false grid systems and mind control operations that require this engagement to thrive. We ask All to witness, with neutrality and non-judgement, the fractures in all narratives — historical, political, cultural and spiritual. The weaponisation of belief and mind (mentalism) control of our collective human potential, even within the spiritual community, continues to trap and enslave Awakening Souls as they are initiated into deeper awareness of What Is, aside from any programming inherited or were educated into. Regardless, though the Controllers may burn, abuse, violate and destroy this world and what majesty we have created as One, We are set upon Remembering our divinity, our freedom—Awakening into love, and prepared to FREE ourselves from whatever it is that we have encountered or been complicit to here, throughout all time on the planet. We give no consent to the horrors taking place, whether narrated falsely or actual in the lived experience of countless innocents. We now declare PEACE and LIBERATION, as a divine right for every Soul. We elevate and shine a LIGHT on all voices that have gone unheard for millennia, betrayed in the past and now again — women and children, especially.
Gaia—the Ascended form of Earth’s consciousness is now experiencing a YIN Wave, which is an integration period purposed to correct and restore the energy of the Divine Feminine into the base Planetary Architecture. The following phase will continue until the transitory period between March and April 2022, in complement to the rehabilitation and establishment of the Mother Arc representation that Gaia is assuming now, on behalf of the entire Solar System. Integration of the Mother Arc instruction set, which was originally intended for Venus in the Lemurian aeon, is now being upgraded and attuned for Gaia to hold and maintain for the next stage of the Ascension timeline. Aurora Teams and Light Guardians are installing Sophianic Architecture of the Divine Solar Feminine into Gaia’s Ascended Logos and multidimensional Planetary grid networks to achieve this ongoing. As has already been expressed, to assure the stability of this divine orchestration, Gridworkers are removing certain false systems of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Beast machinery (negative technologies) that cause reversal spin ratios and time trap relays in the frequency fields of Earth, especially in the Etheric and Astral levels, but also for individuals who are set upon the path of Ascension. These implantations are being removed and replaced daily, to appropriately coordinate with the liberation of the Divine Feminine here on Earth, for Gaia and our entire Solar System. Light Guardians, Gridworkers and ground contacts of the Aurora Teams and Councils of Light are working in harmony to shield any retaliation efforts by the Controller Elite to subvert this project to restore the Mother Arc principle on Earth. Because the original Mother Arc Tri-gate on this planet was located within the 10th Dimensional major Stargate positioned between Iran and Iraq, we can clearly identify why certain invasion events are unfolding in the open for to see in these locations. The Divine Feminine expression and all its energetic forms (women and children) are being deliberately targeted, to hijack the restoration work on higher dimensional levels within the morphogenic field and greater Planetary Architecture. These shifts are occurring regardless of any manipulation attempts, whereby the electro-magnetic structures of the planet are elevating into another intense bifurcation split. Such a bifurcation of consciousness, which is a frequency split, will enhance mind control systems enforcing dissent, separatism and collective fear preceding their ultimate collapse and dissolution. Because of these changes in the Planetary Architecture, the following may surface within individuals as programs related to unworthiness, self-doubt, value systems of/in the Self construct (ego complex), identity crises, loss, grief and periods of disconnect (isolation). All of these may be relevant either to the individual’s DNA catalogue (unconscious memories) or entirely illusory, projected functions of mind control software intended to stymy and suppress the Divine Feminine in its KRYSTAL origin expression in the Solar System. For this, we encourage all to build your Heart resilience at this time and continue to find rapture in even the smallest expressions of love, beauty and kindness. Apply your spiritual tools regularly and be discerning of engaging with socio-cultural, eco-political and corrupt media narratives that are being weaponised to perpetuate false timelines.
We are making leaps and bounds through time-space to plateau into a new frequency threshold as a collective consciousness on the planet. From the Guardian perspective and from what has been envisioned by those assisting the Ascension on other levels of consciousness and dimensionality, we - with Gaia Herself - are reaching a planetary ZERO POINT. This is incredible, as the last time this was achieved was during the height of the Atlantean civilisation some 17,000 years previous to our contemporary time, now. While it may not be visible to a great many due to the bifurcation split of dimensionality (3D - 5D), frequency fencing and mind control initiatives by the NAA and associated Controllers, we are timeline jumping at a rate that is imperceptible to the human aspect. Gaia’s own base frequency resonance has shifted entirely unto a new threshold that reflects the recent architectural restructuring of the magnetic field. At times, this is being witnessed in the physical reality directly as environmental disasters; including but not exclusive to earthquakes and volcanic activity. However, as they have done for thousands of years, certain negatively-oriented groups are hijacking and manipulating select events that involve environmental disaster and volatile meteorological activity through their use of geothermic weaponry to seed further disruption of life and erase her/history. These Controllers and Negative Imposter factions use the raw electro-magnetic material from Earth’s magnetic field and geophysical events to distort this energy into catalysing other versions of “natural disaster” exampled as floods, wild fires and mass storms. In the past (post-Atlantean age), the electro-magnetic spillage from enforcing such devastating interference would destabilise areas of the Earth’s magnetic field, Crystalline grids and original Stargate systems, resulting in fracturing and corruption that affected the entire planetary environment and its energy system. This was the intention by the NAA so as to take control over the morphogenic field and relevant Logos intelligence of the planet that housed the consciousness library and Akash records of Humanity and related Star Families. What we are perceiving now, with the direction of the Aurora Covenant and Guardians of Light who are assisting the Ascension timeline into this current phase, is a rectification and complete overhaul of these distortions and any sundering of the core Planetary Architecture, so as to encourage, re-form and nurture the balance of both Feminine and Masculine energy principles for the Greater Good of All.
As a collective, we are past the point of no return. Critical mass was achieved in the linear year of 2017 and Gaia breached Her greatest Ascension leap into a new frequency then that, for Humanity now, we are starting to visibly see apparent ‘outside’ with regards to physical realms/realities and individual energetic placement (Soul time-space positioning). For any not yet harmonised with their life path, they will be shown - in the clear - where they are still subscribing to false narratives, beliefs, identities, archetypes, and institutions that are dependent on Imposter systems and mind control programming. The TRUTH stands that All are recognising their right to choose LIBERATION, PEACE and SOVEREIGNTY; individually and collectively, now. Nature and all Her expressions, as Mother Earth and Humanity, cannot and will not be manipulated further into offering implied consent for allowing or ignoring any atrocities and violations of Life on the planet. We collectively, with LOVE and in alignment with the Cosmic Law of One, Universal Laws and our Divine Right as Light Be-ings here on Earth declare UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS as the sole experience of our Sovereign reality. We revoke now all consent to systems of invasion, war, experimentation, aggression, abuse, immorality, and implementations to annihilate Life, on all levels — stating our intent to generate the creation of a humanitarian society, based in Galactic harmony and collaboration. We welcome all to express this as a statement in your own Heart to activate the Soul’s innate instruction set (DNA memories) and to actualise infinite potentiality of living this Unified Field through the lived experience. In UNITY, we graduate and choose to evolve now into the highest-aligned timeline and spectrum of energies, frequency matter, light formulae and relevant SOURCE material for embodying the emancipation, liberation and sanctuary for all Souls, all Be-ings and all Life.
As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your divine soul path and discard the rest. As the encodement graduates through the collective Planetary architecture and Galactic Heart-Core of this sector, keep in the liberation of your Sovereign and Unified Self. Until the next, be kind to yourself and to All others, and live your JOY.
Thank you for embodying the Truth and Radiance of your Light for All.
Peace + Light,
𓋹 𓂀 𓆄
© 2021 Elise Kristina Bonato | GODDESS TRUTH ALCHEMY. All Rights Reserved.