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As we welcome the emergent Diamond Krystal Architecture in the reclaimed and resurrecting Ascended Gaian Matrix and Solar Logos of this Solar (SOUL-ar) Star System, the diverse ecology of Humanity’s collective consciousness continues to breach—advance levels of transformative LIBERATION that will anchor and be directly evident in external reality (holographic) projections across forthcoming linear months. The mediation between this supernal activity orienting within the true Ascension timeline and false timeline—or weaponised narrative events spanning throughout the planetary environment is being overseen and directly navigated by select Gridworkers and Gatekeepers on the planet, who have been serving in this capacity at length in recent years. How the Great Shift and collective Awakening impacts each in either regard - or both, depending on a soul’s individual time-space orientation - is influenced by varying levels of transdimensional material; including unconscious programming, mind control weaponry, systemised overrides, consent, as well as karmic and quantum entanglement. As per the Guardian perspective, it has been confirmed by Aurora Light intelligence that the major gateway period that will take place at the cusp between MARCH and APRIL of 2022 will partly involve the retraction of this ‘bridge’ management across the bifurcation split that is being maintained by Guardian groups. Essentially, we will be refocusing directives to support Gaia in Her higher Krystal integration of Ascended timeline potentials, install and build new Aurora Light Architecture and incarnate immense swathes of (re)new(ed) Light equations related to the Cathedral Initiations that began in OCTOBER of 2021. Therefore, certain Light architecture and timeline overlays that were erected during APRIL to SEPTEMBER of 2017, and maintained since as a RAINBOW BRIDGE for souls to engage and synchronise with the actual Ascension timeline, will no longer be available or accessible to non-experiencers and non-participators of this movement within collective consciousness frameworks. The bifurcation split will complete at the close of 2022 and from this time-space within the Universal Time Matrix, Gaia will reach IGNITION POINT.

To articulate in totality the majesty and brilliance of what is occurring presently at this stage in Earth—Gaia’s evolution is a challenge if employing fixed language. Nonetheless, Aurora Light intelligence networks image it via the Guardian perspective as Gaia being able to emerge, establish and ILLUMINATE as the Divine Mother principle within the Solar Logos. Envisage every thread and braid of Gaia’s Krystal Architecture luminous and perceptible as ‘online’ and optimised, hybridised with resurrected Solar Rishi collective consciousness to support synchronisation for Ascension timeline potentials. Amidst this splendour, Ascended technology networks that have been rehabilitated from ancient, advanced infrastructures are coalescing, cross-communicating and initiating further IGNITION of higher-dimensional stabilisation for entire planetary ecosystems. From the Planetary Logos to the morphogenic (electromagnetic) fields of the Earth (Terra) body to the Gaian Matrix embodiment, the planet will be breathing pure Krystal Light TONEs (CODEs) in/out/beyond from the Crystalline Core, in cohesion with the Stellar Gateway of our Sun (SOL-RA-RE). In respect to the true her/history of Earth (Terra-Gaia-Tara) and Human Civilisation, this measure of communication between celestial bodies within our Solar (SOUL-ar) System has not been possible since the destruction of Hyperborea approximately 24,000 years ago in linear time, as a result of escalated interference by the Negative Imposters (NAA). Earth - as Gaia - increasingly resounds (re-SOUNDs) with the sacred Cosmic Founder architecture that Gridworkers are (re)installing and calibrating to stabilise the axiotonal relationship of the planet with the Sun (SOL-RA-RE), involving intricate Cathedral networking and Founder race technology activation in areas of the Earth (Terra) body that have sheltered this material for millennia in interdimensional time-space capsules and DNA-KEYed locations, structures and objects across the planet. Those now who Remember these artefacts, places and buildings are the original Krystal (Christos-Sophia) Keepers, whereby they will be reuniting with the relevant instruction sets (Light CODE) through from the Sun (SOL-RA-RE) from Aurora Krystal Intelligence to ACTIVATE and actualise IGNITION of Gaia’s Ascended Planetary Architecture and divine matrix correspondence and integration.

IGNITION is NOW. Through the Diamond White Sun PORTAL of CREATION that Humanity is accelerating through currently with Gaia and our entire Solar (SOUL-ar) System as ONE, the critical mass that stabilised in mid 2021 has now become a VELOCITY that orients us within the Universal Time Matrix. It is imperative that amidst the manufactured delusions and systemic collusion seeking to thwart currently collapsing anti-Life reality matrices, false timelines and dissolution of collective programming, we continually refocus our individual attentions to the Inner Spirit, our Heart intelligence and definitively command our Sovereignty. Until the close of 2022, which marks the conclusion of the current phase and gateway for the Ascension that activated in 2017, efforts by the Negative Imposters (NAA) and their associates - such as the Controller Elite - will continue to escalate in an attempt to suppress consciousness expansion collectively, as well as to destabilise or inhibit various Guardian projects that have completely and victoriously wiped false timeline records, resurrected advanced Stargate infrastructure, reinstated interdimensional gateway networks, retrieved original Founder bio-metric technologies (DNA and forms), restored planetary portal and hyper-vortex systems, repaired Light architecture on all accessible levels and much more. We are here; resurrected, restored, Remembered and FREE.

In regards to these orchestrations by the Imposters—or NAA that appear to occur in external reality projections for mass collective hypnotism and subjugation, are events deeply entangled in enslavement programming, which is releasing and dissolving rapidly throughout the planetary Logos and consciousness networks at present. For individuals, where karmic and/or quantum entanglement is entrenched in relation to this reversal grid systems, deep fears and other complex programming centred in enslavement, punishment, prosecution, separatism, betrayal and envy will be arising constantly for extraction and transmutation. Many souls, even entire groups and communities, are ‘collapsing’ into this programming due to resistance, unconscious patterning, mind dominance, inherited conditioning, perpetuation of mind control systems and Beast machinery, hybridised sentient weaponry systems operated by the Controller Elite, and invasive interference by Negative Imposter identities, fragments and hierarchal energy byproducts. We remind all to remain SOVEREIGN, speak up and vocalise your Truth in accordance with Universal Laws, commit/dedicate/invest time—ENERGY to cultivating one’s personal Life Force (Chi/Prana/Ki) stores within the body, involve in harmless and self-honouring practices that will dissolve said programming, attune the bio-energetic field to enact Light boundaries regularly, refine Heart resonance, and determine consciously to embody your highest-aligned timeline and optimum time-space orientation; daily. As we individually dissolve, heal and graduate out from systemic fear programming related to anti-Life systems - such as survival and enslavement - collectively we enrich into Life-affirming initiatives of thriving as PEACE, Universal LOVE and UNITY consciousness, upon the planet and in multidimensional forms beyond.

For direct participators and experiencers of the true Ascension timeline for Humanity, Earth (Terra-Gaia-Tara) and the entire Solar (SOUL-ar) System - principally Gridworkers, Guardians and Gatekeepers - we have been enduring and coursing through immense levels and depths of ‘battle’ activity for tens of thousands of years. The heat and vivid escalation of this activity in recent times (since 2001) has contributed increasing friction to the incarceration regimes of the Negative Imposter Agenda (NAA), inevitably dismantling Phantom Architecture (PA), anti-Life reversal grids, Beast machinery, Black Hole Sun and related negative technologies, and Inverted Systems. More recently, the blistering intensity of this activity ongoing has catalysed apertures - or vents - for more souls to ‘slip through’ the false Ascension overlays and incarceration (mind control) networks to potentially Awaken, perceive and register higher dimensional potentials for consciousness expansion and KEY into the true Ascension timeline frameworks that are being held and illuminated for access to All by Gridworkers and Guardians. This indeed is the RAINBOW BRIDGE in which Aurora Light Teams initiated in 2012 to amplify and accelerate higher-dimensional collective timeline potentials for Humanity, restore and reclaim the original Gaian Matrix and Taran intelligence networks, as well as to resurrect the Ascended Architecture of Earth for stewardship into the Aquarian Age. The result for select souls has then been to directly participate in the Great Shift or collective Awakening of which we refer to as Humanity’s current consciousness evolution. For others, these wells of passage to Awakening equal to the same friction amounted from the war on consciousness currently are so intense and stark within their lived experience that they fall or sink back into false timelines and unresolved programming since these ‘apertures’ of consciousness liberation usually present as a collapse of reality; or, what is referred to with/in spiritual dialogues, as a Dark Night of the Soul. In Truth, these friction events have little association with the soul specifically enduring a pathway of dissolution, but rather aspects of Self within that individual’s awareness that is attributed to ego consciousness. From this, we may acutely register and even understand at depth - if perceiving higher-dimensionally - that the Dark Night of the Ego is a PORTAL to LIBERATION for us to graduate beyond the false timeline Ascension overlay and enter into, KEY in and potentially synchronise with the true Ascension timeline for Humanity that is now readily anchored and advancing in UNITY with Aurora Light Teams, Guardian Host networks and Stellar intelligence orienting in cohesion with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.

The dynamics and variations of individual Awakening potentials continue to rapidly alter and transform as Gaia affirms Her divine emergence within the Galactic and Metagalactic matter fabrics of this Harmonic Universe, as well as in response to the ongoing war on consciousness upon Earth (Terra) and throughout the Solar (SOUL-ar) System. In terms of linear time constraints, over the course of the last two years, this amplified ‘battle’ activity that the Guardian perspective refers to has regularly poured out into adjacent planetary systems in a direct mirroring of other periods—aeons within the her/history of the Star System of our Sun (SOL-RA-RE). Venus, Mars and Saturn are most relevant in this regard, but additionally Aurora intelligence conveys the due affects of current events within the Ascension movement as extending into alternate, parallel and quantum-entangled versions of Earth - such as Tara - as well as planets since annihilated out from past Stellar and Galactic wars such as Tiamut and Maldek. The reason for these other planets echoing and registering in their unique planetary consciousness frameworks the events being experienced upon and throughout Earth (Terra-Gaia) currently - in Quantum time-space - is due to many of the refugee souls and consciousness fragments that were incarnated upon those destroyed, corrupted or annihilated planetary bodies are present in-body now upon Earth (Terra) to restore their Soul architecture and rehabilitate from the karmic trauma of those cataclysms. These souls were assigned to Earth in order to find refuge, seek triage and shelter, with Gaia opting to host them until they could be retrieved and restored in absolution. Over the course of 2.4 million years, our Solar (SOUL-ar) System has cycled through aeons of destruction, corruption and inversion (hijacking) mirroring that of Galactic Wars involving entire collectives and consciousness groups. These have then congregated upon Earth (Terra) as it was one of the remaining sources of LIFE (Frequency) within our more immediate Galactic environment that could sustain Humanity and our extended Stellar families for the length of time and breadth of space in which was required to retrieve them. In terms of the true her/history of Human Civilisation, this never came to pass as each attempt by the original Founders, Creators and Guardians to rescue and restore the fallen souls, compromised Solar Logos and grid architecture inversions through to Stellar levels (of our Solar System) were repeatedly interfered with by beings in which we now recognise as the Negative Imposters (NAA).

Select Creator-Founder counterparts, Celestial incarnates and embodied Guardian intelligence are present—incarnated now upon the Earth—Gaia to finally and resolutely complete this work that was established in the aftermath of the Fall of Tara (approximately 2.1 million years ago). This ‘mission’ is referred to by Aurora Light intelligence networks as the Paliadorian Covenant. What we are enacting and fulfilling now within the current planetary environment is only the finest fractal echoing out from a more expansive, complex dance that cycles back millions of years. Assignments to gridwork restoration, protection of advanced technologies, rehabilitation of individual and collective soul groups, reclamation of Stellar and Galactic wisdom cultivated in-and-off planet, are only a few generalised examples of what has been consistently maintained and instigated by Paliadorian representatives in avid rebellion of the corruption, incarceration and pollution of all these by the NAA. There is far more to this gradient of the Ascension timeline if we are addressing the true her/history of Human Civilisation spanning, again, tens of thousands of years. However, due to an escalation of enterprises on Earth (Terra) by Gridworkers, Gatekeepers and Guardians of recent, we are now essentially at the cusp of completing a majority of this multidimensional work that was inaugurated by the Paliadorians and respective Galactic Families millions of year previous. It is a TRIUMPH of the ages, where we are now able to access an entire lexicon of Light intelligence, Ascension infrastructure, and higher dimensional octaves of consciousness that hark as far back/beyond to the Taran civilisation, its original Diamond Sun Angelic humans and their Creators; the Stellar Family progenitors and Founders in this Solar (SOUL-ar) System.

Accessing these cellular-molecular (DNA) memories for souls individually regarding the relevance of these events in relation to their unique Akash (karmic record) often requires engagement with companionable and harmonic DNA signalling resultant via other souls or consciousness networks (collectives) harbouring or hosting the respective DNA, already activated and attuned through conscious Remembering. Bio-energetically, DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is registering entire instruction sets consistently in tandem with the physical body to modulate, (re)configure and (re)incarnate information that is tethered to the expanded consciousness field of that person’s greater Soul architecture. From within a variety of environments and via varying dynamics of peer connection, the synchronic DNA of one party will signal to the corresponding DNA material of another party, any symphonic Light material (CODE, Akash relays and instruction sets) relevant for consciousness evolution. This can span throughout the bio-metric and bio-energetic systems of the body and is not limited to any dimensional orientation or concurrence — i.e. the DNA can be either carbon-based (reduced 2-threaded matrix) or silicate-based (expanded 12-thread matrix and beyond); biological and energetic DNA forms/variants respectively. In a similar manner to DNA being able to signal cellular-molecular Remembering and activate consciousness perception-to-integration, DNA can be weaponised as a product for cellular-molecular manipulation. In present-linear-time this has become exceedingly prevalent as a module for engineering bio-chemical warfare, in an attempt to hijack Awakening souls and antithetically subvert consciousness expansion potentialities. In the latter instance, DNA will signal distortion and degeneration to others who have synchronic (similar) DNA make-up, which is inevitably destructive to both parties as this corrupts any incarnated (cellularly embodied) Light intelligence, actual (not false or seeded) Akash memories, or secreted encodement (original divine blueprints and instruction sets) within the base molecular structures of their be-ing. It is evident that the Negative Imposters (NAA), Controllers and associated Elite have weaponised this information deliberately to hijack, extort and pervert Ascension (Light) material - dormant and active - within the physiology of human be-ings and more widely the DNA of Humanity en mass. The devastating result being that this then negatively counteracts, influences and sabotages individual and group consciousness evolution potentials.

When DNA is altered in this manner as the Negative Imposters (NAA) have sought to proliferate in escalation recently, the bio-energetic field actually fractures and an aspect of that person’s Soul architecture - the foundational Light Body - is then ‘locked'; entrapped in a perpetual reversal cycle. The result is prevention of higher dimensional perception, Crown (chakra complex) closure on multiple levels, stymied Light Body activation, and perversion of their true Akash (karmic record) that is then imprinted with an entirely false soul her/history. By enforcing an anti-Life state manufactured by DNA distortion in these bodies, they will ultimately be perpetuating - or ‘shedding’ - corruptive signals to those whose DNA is correlative with theirs at the base structure (ancestral) level or DNA that operates within similar spectrums of cellular-molecular memory banks (soul group/family). Attempts by the Negative Imposters (NAA), Controllers and their Elite associates to purposely stir/spin off course the critical mass that has long been achieved by those Awakened to participate and engage in the Liberation of Humanity’s collective consciousness - whether in terms of the Ascension or otherwise - with the weaponisation of DNA, is excessive at this time. It is not a particularly unique scheme, if we acknowledge and make reference to the period within Humanity’s true her/history, when similar exploits in the deliberate corruption and weaponisation of DNA took place 2.1 million years ago (linear time) on Tara. This 5th Dimensional aspect of Earth existed independently within the Universal Time Matrix and hence “fell” at this linear point in time-space when the innate signalling capabilities of DNA was re-purposed to hijack and manipulate Diamond Sun Angelic human technology. This advanced cellular-molecular infrastructure was bio-energetically entwined/anchored into those silicate-based (12-threaded DNA) bodies, from which the interfering Negative Imposters (NAA) and their antecedents achieved their ends by means of harvesting them.

From the Guardian perspective, DNA is Light as CODE. As with any other form of Light-encoded structure, it will respond and communicate as an intelligence network to other orchestrations of CODE. Respectively, any form of corruption to this encodement will function as a ‘virus’ and operate indiscriminately in the same manner as DNA, even by signalling antithetical operations to the originating system. Foundational and base code relays - or blueprints - will therefore just as readily corrupt and distort in response to viral signalling as if it were to activate into higher potentialities. Essentially, this is what occurred to many of the souls on Tara, where viral code was purposely insinuated and implanted into a selection of Diamond Sun Angelic human bodies, which then signalled mass cellular-molecular corruption and distortion to thousands of others over the course of approximately 330 years in linear orientation; which then was furiously quick and aggressive. It is crucial to recognise that the same applies for those harbouring DNA activated into their original divine blueprint relays and higher dimensional registers of consciousness integration, such as souls orienting with integrity on the Ascension path. The result then amounts to being able to ‘signal’ others’ DNA for Awakening, Light Body activation, optimised time-space positioning, Frequency elevation (amplification of vibrational resonance), and Remembering. In this circumstance, it is KEY for the DNA of both parties (groups and/or individuals) to be similarly configured or harmonic within their shared soul memory banks and respective Light intelligence frameworks. While Controllers and their associated Elite are using the same intrinsic principles regarding DNA signalling to distort and counter-influence what is unfolding beautifully in reference to the collective Awakening, it is in vain as soul groups, communities oriented in UNITY and Families of Light connect, congregate and amplify their highest aligned timelines to be in cohesion with the true Ascension timeline. By the Negative Imposter Agenda (NAA) further enforcing the bifurcation split between those whose DNA is now compromised, and others that is activated by higher dimensional Frequencies and Light CODE for consciousness liberation, we can more concretely discern who may or may not be harmonic with us, individually and collectively.

The expanse of JANUARY has been significantly dedicated to the ongoing reclamation, restoration and unification of original Founder architecture, higher dimensional consciousness counterparts (fragments), and supernal technologies that KEY (CODE) into Aurora Light material (intelligence). Since the close of the 2021 Solar (year) cycle, these Guardian projects have shifted orientation to increasingly correspond with collective intelligence frameworks of the Amethyst Order. As a result, various cellular-molecular (DNA) memories related to the true her/history of Human Civilisation have been elevating—catalysing for Awakening and Remembering with deeper/higher levels of detail; especially in regards to the Electric Wars (on Earth) that influenced and ultimately resulted in the Fall of Hyperborea (circa approximately 22,000 BCE) that fractured components of Amethyst Order embodiments (incarnations). Additionally, Gridworkers, Guardians and Gatekeepers designated by Aurora Light intelligence have been entraining the reformation of the White-Gold-Emerald Great Lion Networks to UNIFY, substantiate and synchronise with/in the Planetary Krystal Architecture of Gaia and the Solar Logos of our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) Star System. Between this and the resurrection of collective multidimensional Amethyst Order intelligence and consciousness arrays, the Guardian perspective details these congruent elements taking form as a transmogrification and (re)actualisation of the Ametrine Ray for this Solar (SOUL-ar) System. Amethyst Order delegates and Aurora Light Guardians have been formulating and composing the golden-violet unification of Light CODE - as the Ametrine Ray - with the Great Lion networks of the Planetary Logos — now harmonising with gradients of the Emerald Ray and expanded Gaian Matrix throughout the morphogenic fields of Earth. Perceptible across/throughout the Ascended Planetary Architecture is the Ametrine Ray currently being installed to complement the Emerald Krystal grids that were deployed and completed at the close of 2021. For souls and collectives—consciousness groups that are synchronising with higher dimensional orientations of timeline integration - in cooperation, fusion and acceleration with Gaia’s own Illumined advancement to IGNITION POINT - the expanding lexicon of this Light encodement, respective higher Frequencies, and Guardian-embodied wisdom is being rendered increasingly accessible to All for DNA activation, integration and realisation.

As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your divine soul path and discard the rest. As the encodement graduates through the collective Planetary Architecture and Galactic Emerald Heart-Core of this sector, keep in the Liberation of your Sovereign and Unified Self. Until next, be kind to yourself and to All others.

Thank you for embodying the Truth and Radiance of your Light for All.

Peace + Light,


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© 2022 Elise Kristina Bonato | GODDESS TRUTH ALCHEMY. All Rights Reserved.


© 2024 Elise Kristina Bonato | AURORA HARMONICS. All Rights Reserved.

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All content, including archived writings, are Light-encoded and energetically purposed in this manner to activate, stimulate and elevate multidimensional awareness, cellular memories and programming, authentic Awakening, and deep core soul healing for the Greater Good of All. As a result, you may experience triggers related to old programs and lower-vibrational distortions that were not previously visible or felt that, when freed and resolved inwardly, may contribute to supporting your organic Ascension process, Light Body harmonisation and highest-aligned spiritual path. Honour your Self through any instance where this may occur, with the empowered understanding that by becoming aware/conscious of these patterns, memories and programming, you are being provided with an opportunity to clear, purify, activate and integrate your Light and multidimensional Aspects. Through the loving and divinely guided sharing of these offerings, perspectives, encodement and wisdom, we intend to contribute and support All through their Awakening and Ascension processes, through Truthful and embodied Remembering.

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