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JULY 2021

We are entering into an elevated magnetism of Gaia’s sacred Planetary Architecture that collectively supports the Light magnification and Unified Spirit of All Be-ings here on Earth-Terra. The astronomical fabric of the planet’s positioning in time-space and MAGNETISM of its multidimensional body is splitting, fracturing and contemporaneously being re-built in seismic alterations of its electromagnetic orientation. For Gridworkers, Guardians and Gatekeepers, we have been witnessing this gravity-altering activity ongoing since the Solstice Season last linear month of June, now accelerated by the recent Solar (SOUL-ar) material ejections of our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) at an increased capacity.

Immense Solar (SOUL-ar) Flare ejections and spillage are gravitating into the expanse of this Solar System, (em)powering in divine support hyper-Galactic transmissions and transformation of out-dated and obsolete electro-magnetic structuring, which includes the polarity (magnetic axis) orientation of Earth’s Planetary Architecture. The echo of this activity is affecting the elliptical relationship of other planets in the Solar System with our Sun (SOL-RA-RE), of which is the main Star Gateway into our surrounding Galaxy. As these alterations are supported in alignment with the collective Ascension timeline, through mediation by Aurora Teams and Light Guardians of varying multidimensional levels, we are witnessing an increasing unveiling and liberation of the true her/history of Earth’s Human Civilisation. This is significant beyond measure, as for multiple thousands of years the true events and iterations of Humanity’s collective experience has been deliberately obscured and manipulated to substantiate the intentions and technological enforcement of the Negative Imposter Agenda (NAA). This is exampled in the supposed “evolutionary” nature of humanity’s consciousness and physicality in her/history from a primitive expression to that of a supposed technologically advanced civilisation. In Truth, for those who keep within their molecular formulae the records (Angelic and Diamond Sun DNA) of memories beyond this false intellectualisation of humanity’s progression, it is recognised that this is an illusory matrix architecture fuelled by mind control and ongoing socio-cultural and religious systems. Many of which were orchestrated and planted—installed into the morphogenic field of the planet, subverting the original Solar Logos that was eventually corrupted as a result, from eventuating distortion in the collective consciousness grids. From the Guardian perspective, we refer to these as Imposter Systems, in respect to the wide-spread and parasitic agenda of the NAA. Where this is changing and surfacing as Truth revealed is that this particular architecture (matrix) is a tangible electro-magnetic grid installed into the magnetosphere of the planet that can be extracted, dismantled and repaired. This Phantom Architecture (PA) and relevant integrations are fracturing rapidly now, with Solar Flare ejections - which are pure LIGHT CODE and Flame Notes of the SOL-RA-RE core - penetrating the miasmic fabric of these false matrices for ultimate dismantling.

Each Soul, as has Gaia Herself, maintains an electro-magnetic architecture and system in which is receptive and attuned to this Solar (SOUL-ar) material. In recent weeks, as the magnetic field of this planetary body is upheaved and altered to integrate new encodement and Light frequencies of which have yet entered this Solar System in its entire Quantum designation (within the Ascension timeline), all Souls are being affected in the same manner depending on their current orientation (vibrational resonance). Each frequency sings a sound NOTE, where these Fire Notes are vibrational iterations of a majestic new Light CODE structure that is being installed into Gaia’s 8th and 9th Dimensional memory banks. These particular dimensional registers of the Earth are in respect to its affiliation with Tara, which is a future/ascended form of Gaia. Solar flares are not a unique activity in terms of the current unfoldment and emancipation of consciousness, considering the Sun within this Solar System is constantly emitting plasma (liquid Light) and gaseous (mineral-matter) material and has done so for time immemorial. How this correlates with the present iteration of our collective Ascension at this time however is that the particular Light material that is being expelled and ejected (projected) into our Stellar environment has an electro-magnetic structure that is inherently intelligent and similar to Solar (SOUL-ar) Flares that occurred in timing with various cataclysms, which have occurred on Earth, as well as Venus in the true her/history of this Solar System.

The collective, accurate memory of Humanity’s civilisation entails a relationship between Earth and Venus that is undocumented in present-day understanding. These records (of events) and knowledge of the inter-connection between the two planets are ingrained into the molecular memory of those who incarnated on Venus up until approximately 12,000 years ago. The Venusians were a collective of souls that hailed from various Star Systems beyond SOL-RA-RE of this Solar system, to come and assist the Earth Experiment at a time when the Ascension was communally and collectively embraced as the forerunning mission of all who chose to incarnate here. Seeded souls from the Star Systems of Sirius, Lyra, Taurus (Pleiades included), Achernar and Ursa Major made up a great number of those who chose to experience Venus. Venusian bodies were not always physical-material (density) in form and there were a multitude of Celestial and energy be-ings who came to correspond on Venus with souls that were choosing to work on varying planes of consciousness. What did eventuate soon after the Fall of Atlantis (final cycle of Atlantis occurred approximately 14,350 BCE) was a destabilisation of ALL magnetospheres adjacent to Earth itself and this affected the elliptical relationships with other planets, such as Venus. Sustaining life on various levels of dimensionality (frequency), which required electro-magnetic stability of sacred Light architecture meant that certain souls needed to exit (transform) into other incarnations on other planets (such as Earth) or transit out of this Solar System entirely. The conclusion of Venus’ annihilation of all Life culminated in the decimation of what souls remained from a devastating Solar Flare that penetrated the South-West side of its magnetic grid some 12,000 years previous. We are collectively Remembering this now, as the true records and her/history of Humanity are Awakened in the cellular keys of our multidimensional DNA by similar Solar (SOUL-ar) material that is being streamed into the Earth’s changing magnetic grid system.

For those who recall these memories through the immediate human experience, we are witnessing this through the programmed language and environmental activity around climate change; especially wild fires and flooding. These kinds of events occurred throughout Humanity’s her/history in direct correlation with the cyclic destruction of our civilisation at different (nexus) points in time-space. Floods, fire and geo-magnetic storms — including mass weather disasters, are all catalysts for seismic change on all levels of consciousness, not only in regards to the geomantic and mineral-thermic nature of the Earth. Not all of these events, in the past and present day now, were natural or the result of geo-magnetic and meteorological movement, with most activity being purposely manipulated and manufactured to enforce Imposter Systems and capitalise on mind control programming that was being instigated at a DNA level (memory-oriented) for energy harvesting purposes.

We are being encouraged to consider what we value in the immediate experience, whether this is material or tangible property, where possibly our energy can be conserved and applied towards an internal abundance of the Spirit. Any event that may be identified as ‘earth-shattering’ or ‘soul-shaking’ (for the egoic mind) can stimulate us into a change of (soul-oriented) perspective. Whether this is overtly cataclysmic or not - for an individual or collective - we may experience an initiation into Unity and SURRENDER that is in alignment and harmonic with Gaia’s own (re)new(ed) orientation of Divine Union. This greater calibration is occurring now, on a planetary level, as we free-fall through the Solar Gateway frequency load-out. How this is achieved within the personal grid architecture of each Soul is dependent upon the orientation of that being (vibrational resonance) and where that energy—consciousness is projecting into (future timeline axis). Consider what value systems and fixtures of belief are in place around safety, security and comfort. In what ways are you undermining your value as a Soul, as a Light Be-ing here, uniquely expressing itself in cohesion with Humanity’s liberation? Your (self) worth is your AXIS point, which is your central (identity) orientation. The ABUNDANCE of your Spirit is only magnified by the value orientation you place upon your being, your nature and your Self.

Presently, is a distinct (energetic) shift in collective (human-based) fears around cataclysm, devastation and versions of destruction. Especially as world events mirror collective memory with flooding, wild fires and pestilence. Where we are now as a collective Humanity and what we may potentially be able to enact in the direct conscious experience is a revelation of our Inner Sun and the magnification of our Neutral Polarity, which is the Union of one’s Spirit and ALL its POTENTIAL. By this, we complement the unification of Gaia’s magnetic orientation, which is evolving from a split-dual polarity of North-South (Masculine-Feminine) to a stabilised field of divine Neutrality (harmonic Three-Fold Union). In terms of the Planetary Architecture, this is perceived as a revitalised Inner Sun and Stellar-powered (by SOL-RA-RE and its flare emissions) Crystalline (KRYSTAL) Core, transducing a pure toroid and divine LOTUS. Gaia is emerging as the Divine Mother Arc centre within this Solar System, which is what Venus had been originally intended as before the Great Venusian Cataclysm. Now is a sacred period (nexus point) in the collective Awakening and Ascension for All, as we are cradled by Gaia through this divine chorus of her Ascension, similarly supported in the magnification of our collective Spirit (of Humanity), through that process.

As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your divine soul path and discard the rest. As the encodement graduates through the collective Planetary architecture and Galactic Heart-Core of this sector, keep in the liberation of your Sovereign and Unified Self. Until the next, be kind to yourself and to All others, and live your JOY.

Thank you for embodying the Truth and Radiance of your Light for All.

Peace + Light,


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© 2021 Elise Kristina Bonato | GODDESS TRUTH ALCHEMY. All Rights Reserved.


© 2024 Elise Kristina Bonato | AURORA HARMONICS. All Rights Reserved.

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All content, including archived writings, are Light-encoded and energetically purposed in this manner to activate, stimulate and elevate multidimensional awareness, cellular memories and programming, authentic Awakening, and deep core soul healing for the Greater Good of All. As a result, you may experience triggers related to old programs and lower-vibrational distortions that were not previously visible or felt that, when freed and resolved inwardly, may contribute to supporting your organic Ascension process, Light Body harmonisation and highest-aligned spiritual path. Honour your Self through any instance where this may occur, with the empowered understanding that by becoming aware/conscious of these patterns, memories and programming, you are being provided with an opportunity to clear, purify, activate and integrate your Light and multidimensional Aspects. Through the loving and divinely guided sharing of these offerings, perspectives, encodement and wisdom, we intend to contribute and support All through their Awakening and Ascension processes, through Truthful and embodied Remembering.

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