JUNE 2021
The emergence of new, brilliant energy streams (networks) that stem from adjacent Star Systems to this Solar System are being installed into the Planetary architecture ongoing for the purpose of polarity re-union and rectification. There has been a massive — astronomical upheaval of Beast machinery, reversal networks and False Twin technologies from the collective Logos in recent weeks. These systems have been used in recent millennia by Controller Identities and the Negative Agenda to split and siphon Life Force Energy from individual and collective consciousness in ways in which have been previously obscured by Phantom Architecture. This Phantom Architecture (PA) is a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a phantom copy (multiple copies, to be specific) of the original Gaian Logos that had been forcibly installed through the Earth’s morphogenic field and was being powered through hijacking various areas of the planetary grid. In particular, using YIN vortex centres throughout the Earth and echoes (energy spillage) of fallen Stargates. On the planet at this time, we are witnessing a deep emancipation of matrix (false code) systems that were purposely planted—infected into the DNA structures of the original Angelic humans that were intended here as the originating species for Life as part of the Earth experiment. Because of events surrounding the Fall of Tara, these beings, along with all of Humanity through the manipulated timelines that followed, experienced ongoing deterioration. This interference and manipulation is being Remembered now by those who physically carry the original DNA (at a molecular level) and are re-unifying with those Aspects in which underwent devolution and distortion as a result of said events.
We are at this pivotal (axis) point in the Ascension timeline becoming deeply (higher dimensionally) aware that the consciousness of Humanity, on individual and collective levels, has been entrapped within a cycle that perpetuates false matrices and programming for the purpose of suppressing divine (Soul) expansion. As we travel through (time-space) the duplicate June Eclipses and into the Solstice season, there is a multitude of opportunities in which to address template and energy grid changes/shifts within the personal soul architecture that supports this liberation. If welcomed, there will be transformation, transfiguration and alteration of human awareness in respect to this (energetic) work on a collective level that may be experienced physically (cellular biology). This unfoldment is reflective of higher dimensional and energetic changes within and through areas of the Soul that are entangled or enmeshed in the negative matrix forms and networks that are being dismantled and replaced presently within the morphogenic fields of the planet. It is encouraged that, through this process, we are executive about the energy in which we exchange with others, as to do this deep work (at a cellular and molecular level), the reconciliation of DNA requires ENERGY. Conserving energy for and within the body through meditation, energy healing, and other appropriate sacred practice that is restful, rejuvenating and harmless will be supportive of optimal alignment given the electro-magnetic shifts occurring in tandem with this particular integration.
Tara, which was/is a higher (past and future) dimensionalisation of this planet Earth underwent a cataclysmic shift (series of events) as a result of interference by Controller energies of which we refer to as the Negative Imposter Agenda (or NAA). This saw the Crystalline Core Architecture within the original structure of this planet become overturned with false code and anti-Life programming. This viral matrix was/is a byproduct of Angelic human DNA mutations that were purposely planted (infected) within the cellular structures of beings that were inhabiting Earth and Tara over 2 million years ago. Because of the unification of all Life within/through the Taran construct and consciousness, the entire platform of its Crystalline (KRYSTAL) technology and Harmonic systems were corrupted as a result of that hijacking. The subsequent cycles upon Earth have largely been orchestrated to resolve the echo - energetic relay of SOUND - of these events within the bodies—cells of those who were entrapped within the false timeline records, reversal systems and negative Beast machinery that eventuated to further descend Humanity’s consciousness (critical frequency mass) in recent millennia. There is much more to this (true) her/history in respect to how it has affected this Solar System, especially in terms of the relationship (network) of planets with our Sun (SOL), however, we share this minimally to provide context for perceiving the reconciliation of all that is occurring now through collective cellular and DNA renewal. We are re-coding the distortion of cellular and core soul trauma that was catalysed as a result of the Fall of Tara in order to propel radical change and liberation for All; in this Solar System and beyond. This is a transformation of consciousness at deeper/higher levels that will be contributing to, if resonant, magnetic pole shifts.
Each Soul has its own magnetic polarity orientation and this was compromised early on in the Earth Experiment as a result of the explained interference, cellular tampering and deception. As false grids and reversal networks are continually dismantled and rectified by Guardian Teams and Gridworkers, individuals on the Awakening and Ascension path who contain or hold even a fraction of this DNA coding (memory) will be undergoing polarity re-union and resolution (RE-SOL-UTION). Understand that this does not refer to any form of cataclysmic pole shift or magnetic reversal event as what is usually referred to regarding the orientation of celestial bodies, such as planets. The axis of Earth—Gaia is being revised and reconciled in harmony and equilibrium with the Galactic Heart-Core and the Emerald Cosmic Heart, as was expanded on previously. The result of which entails a re-union of the North and South electro-magnetic poles of this planet, which had been intentionally split out from Earth’s original Crystalline Core structure and Emerald Heart configuration during and soon after the Fall of Tara.
Through our Sun—SOL and the Solar System’s main Galactic Stargate, we are resolving (RE-SOL-VE) the original DNA blueprint architecture to obtain, hold and express frequencies from higher dimensional fabrics that we ALL came here to achieve in physical form. It is an ongoing activation (Awakening) of cellular trauma and soul SOUNDS (code) for release and healing that are entangled, entrained and enforced by NAA technologies and negation patterning within the planetary Logos. Support the physical body as this clearing and dissolving occurs, again, through meditation and by using the intelligence of Gaia through fostering awareness of Source-aligned elemental energy. This, for many, will involve retreating into nature and convening directly with the natural environment, which will TONE and SING the cells back into a harmonic and balanced state. From the Sun (SOL-RA-RE), a multitude of energies (frequencies) are being propelled into this planetary and Star System to actualise and stabilise said magnetic pole rectification beyond the individual experience to the greater morphogenic field of collective Humanity. The Planetary Architecture is revealing this through the revelation and installation of the AQUAELLE Ray, which is an aqua-cerulean Light system that is being braided into the holographic architecture of the planet. This also supports and builds upon recent weeks of substantial RAINBOW braiding that has been facilitated by Gridworkers and Gatekeepers to heal and repair areas of the planetary grid that have, through siphoning and manipulation, suffered compaction and collapse.
The unification of various Source World Ray (Light stream) integrations continue in harmony with the instruction sets being reignited in personal and planetary DNA. These are witnessed as Fire Notes (Light code) and sacred Flame technology, especially through these blue tones of which the Aquaelle intelligence is part of. The last time(line in which) this Light encodement of the Aquaelle Ray was available and fully functional to this Solar System was during the height of Tara. From within one’s Heart space/awareness, we are encouraged to recognise where we are orienting ourselves with respect to others and how we are allowing/permitting/subscribing to the siphoning of energy in any form; whether it is one’s own from self-sacrifice (of energy and will), other beings (animals, as an example) or that of the environment (pollution), etc. Witness this with LOVE and express self-compassion through the inner recognition and acknowledgement that as Sovereign Free Be-ings we can retr-ACT our energy and return it to the original SOUND, of the Soul through conscious integration. Foster this through the observer awareness (neutrality) and be discerning where responsibility is not being taken for any energy spillage (sacrificial and Martyr Archteype programming). Note also where implied consent may be operating that then allows/permits/subscribes to this activity of energetic vampirism and harvesting. On the immediate human level, consider where we may be disrespecting personal boundaries (informed consent), pressuring through expectation, enforcing judgement (this can also be in terms of self-judgement, which is perpetuating crucifixion programming); all these originate from programs in which are encoded to feed and fuel energy into false matrices and reversal networks. The luminosity of the Aquaelle Ray brings GRACE and TEMPERANCE to the Spirit and is accessible to All at this time to resolve deep inner conflict, resistance and abjection. Like the Temperance card within the Major Arcana of traditional Tarot, the Aquaelle Ray can be expressed and resonates as tranquility, balance and grace. It is fulfilment through SURRENDER and patience; perceiving past, present and future through the waters of divine UNION (Masculine-Feminine-Neutral). The intrinsic alchemy of the Aquaelle Ray commands self-respect of the receiver, clarity of will and a softening of the Heart. Embrace these cerulean Fire Notes and Light encodement within your own Heart, therefore Soul-embodying the frequencies in which are being projected holographically through our Sun to the Planetary Architecture and respective magnetic circuitry.
As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your divine soul path and discard the rest. As the encodement graduates through the collective Planetary architecture and Galactic Heart-Core of this sector, keep in the liberation of your Sovereign and Unified Self. Until the next, be kind to yourself and to All others, and live your JOY.
Thank you for embodying the Truth and Radiance of your Light for All.
Peace + Light,
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