MAY 2021 - PART I
Multi-wave states are flooding the morphogenic field presently with codes of Light that are in support of the continued stabilisation of re(new)ed matrix grid systems. In the transition to this linear month, there has been a distinct amplification of intricate Photonic and Plasma structures. They are SONAR forms that fuse the piercing waves of Photonic Light to various points in the planetary grid and predominant timeline. Gridworkers and Gatekeepers are working in constant FLOW to ensure these integrations are in cohesion with the energetic expansion of planetary Ascension. At this present time, certain systems of thought that have operated within the collective Logos are dismantling and dissolving in order to anchor these multi-wave states, which are light equation sequencing that go deep to Core Soul and Heart programming. What eventuates on the individual level - of conscious experience - is a collapsing of belief and identity systems. It is elevating various programs that operate/surface as doubt, restlessness and separatism (mistrust especially). We are able to witness these in the way particular thought forms and belief patterning hijack the sensory centres of the physical and etheric bodies. Where there is visibility of these patterns, there is opportunity to supersede and re-program our consciousness. FREEDOM is achieved through cohesive surrender. As we undergo a collective dismantling, we also may engage with a freeing of entanglement that is charged by these distortions at a higher level.
REALising what isn't honouring the human experience is a natural part of de-tangling the thought programs that operate through multiple systems of consciousness; whether on an immediate level in terms of the Earth experience, as well as beyond in other forms that we exist through. In order to incorporate more of our Light, we require surrender, in order to dismantle much of what we entangle with. This entanglement is attachment. We choose to remain or persist in/with whatever it is we are encountering, even when we are experiencing fear. To choose LOVE in each moment is a choice of self-honouring and a part of the surrendering process. To strain and resist 'what is' is at the core of why we do not shift out of the density that perpetuates through our energetic field. CHOICE is SACRED. This repeating resistance, especially at this time, is a dependence on the wounded Feminine - whereby there has been trauma on a soul level in this regard and a denial of this aspect of one's energy, which prevents harmonisation. As these Light equations are filtered into the collective in what is now uniquely Rainbow Ray and Plasma liquid Light, we are being shown by seeing/feeling/hearing in the physical experience where these subversions of the Feminine reside within the energetic systems of being.
Immense amounts of sacred Rainbow Ray crystalline forms are being brought forth at this time in select areas of the planetary body of Terra-Gaia to contribute to this stabilisation process of dismantling wounds at deep/higher levels and re(new)ing MAGNETIC Feminine energy structures. These Rainbow Ray light codes are imaging at 6th and 8th Dimensional levels a variety of Photonic ephemera. These codes also align with the 555 activation that has come forth presently with an intensity that many are experiencing. There is an urgency to anchor as much Light in to certain areas on the planet within this orchestration (of Light) to mobilise matrix stabilisation. The LOVE resonating through the re(new)ed Feminine embodiment of our planetary Logos is crucial for supporting the Gaian matrix installation, so it may function in union with other systems that are transforming in alignment with the collective Ascension and experience.
On an individual level, we must necessitate incorporating as much of our Light as possible, especially through taking accountability for our energy. Calling our ENERGY back on a daily basis and recognising where we allow this to flow to - through thoughts, programming and circumstance - is part of this process. The dismantling of what has perpetuated through the wounded aspects of the Feminine embodiment will continue ongoing, increasing in intensity so as to provide strength for the CORE of the Earth and individual bodies who have chosen to experience this through multidimensional levels. Our internal CORE will provide the KEY for supporting Light integration and Photonic expansion within the Crystalline CORE of this planet. In support of the individual experience, we must respect our need to be still—in stillness, to ensure this unfolds with the divine timing that befits one's Light. Begin by recognising when rest is needed, as through being still and at rest, we surrender to the de-tangling and dissolving of all that is being dismantled on a planetary level. For those authenticating their Soul through this continued honouring, you are the Photonic threads of ephemera for this planet as they come through the morphogenic field. It is often not a separate experience to that of others also on this path, but one that - if chosen and maintained on the conscious level - is distinctly unique for each human Be-ing, in direct unison with the SOULar/GALACTIC emergence of the following re(new)ed harmonic structure for this Universe.
As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your soul path and discard the rest. More energy updates to come as the encodement graduates through the Galactic Heart and Core of this sector. Until then, be kind to yourself and to All others, and live your JOY.
Peace + Light,
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