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MAY 2021 - PART II


Ready your EMERALD Heart configuration to acknowledge and expand into the Divinity of your Illumined Self, in the justification of (re)newed matrices enabled by the Guardian collectives and Krystal Consciousness supporting the Liberation of all Humanity through this Great Shift. The following energy update — QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE is being gifted through our Unified Consciousness (as Elise) as an ACTIVATION to support All in their chosen embodiment and vibrational alignment at this time, in support of the highest-dimensional reality of the receiver. As a result, in pursuing to read the following, you are welcoming this Light Encodement for your own realisation and experience. Place the intention to receive the following ACTIVATION in cohesion with your highest-aligned timeline.

The distinction of FREQUENCY within the Core of All Be-ings is making itself known through the emergence of elevations/variations in the morphogenic fields that were ‘spelled’ to remain obscured by shadow and Phantom Aspects of the various false identity matrices. These materials and energies are being extracted rapidly on higher-dimensional levels through the planetary grids and greater Logos, preventing siphoning technology and mind control systems from perpetuating with/through people, cultural constructs and bio-energetic fabrics of reality. It is a FREEing of consciousness of levels unprecedented and there are masses of Photonic and Neutronic (Upper-Photonic and NUCLEAR) frequency packets being projected into various areas of the planetary atmosphere. The emergence of Truth around cultural distortions, especially enslavement and separatism programming, in seeing the dissent between SOULS is now visible for many; including those not on the Awakening path. The visibility is in the apparent chaos of world events, which is not a clear or accurate perception of the energetic exchanges between Guardian collectives and those who are dedicating their energy and awareness to the Ascension timeline. LIBERATION is occurring, regardless of what is ‘seen’ in the 3D material density, although much of these elevations are distinctly felt by those who operate through their Heart resonance. We are in a position (vibrational environment) to emerge through these events with peace in our Hearts, as microcosms of what is eventuating multi-dimensionally and macrocosmically through the Galactic Core. In doing so consciously, we bring forth the Cosmic Laws of One into being here, right at ground level.

In respect to individual experience, this dismantling process is accelerating to address the multitude of identities and attachment to Forms, such as Archetypes, which are revealing all the areas in which our consciousness still operates through bifurcated systems of thought/belief/behaviour. It is OUR collective responsibility, for HUMANITY to dissolve all attachment to Archetypes and the false architecture that was planted here by the Negative Agenda to capitalise on all of these. Some of these Archetypes include: the Tyrant, the Victim, the Martyr, the opposing energies of Mother/Father (especially as we eventually move into a unification of both the Divine Mother and Father Bodies), the Seeker (of knowledge), etc. Some of these corrupt upon themselves to the point where we seek to embody a supposed ‘awakened’ version of these, which becomes a distortion unto itself. An example of this is the “Wounded Healer” Archetype, which is simply a gradient of the Martyr. It is our collective responsibility, on an individual level, to recognise where we are fostering these Archetypes and move out of false identities that perpetuate the systems in which, as an Ascending Family, we no longer require and can no longer perpetuate as expanding energy Be-ings. Part of this is ensuring we do not propagate any agendas oriented through/driven by these Archetypes or entangle in these dramatisations of Self, as much of the time they are worn to ensorcel and control our external reality. In the case of personal relationships, it is often that we take on these identities to navigate ‘drama’, which is - at a primal, energetic level - using black magic and sorcery. Any kind of energetic manipulation of this kind is a violation of Universal Laws, and although such activity can often originate from ‘good intentions’, it is not respectful or in acknowledgement of Cosmic Laws. Such that we can seek to alter or influence another’s perspective or decision around any particular matter, which is not respecting CHOICE and the Law of Responsibility that each Soul has a right to embody, as the progenitor of their unique experience. Even if it opposes one’s opinion (egoic positioning). It is a form of unconscious expression in challenging circumstances and relationships, in order to bypass one’s own emotional trauma (cellular and core soul levels), reacting from distortions and defilements in the pain body around lack of acceptance and core RESPECT for the right that all Souls have to choose what they perceive and invest in. As the greater Planetary architecture is dismantled and cleared of aeons of SORCERY, HEXES, CURSES and all other forms of ENERGETIC REVERSAL SYSTEMS, you will discover where in your experience you are engaging in, ‘practicing’ these forms of Archetypal manipulation and disruption.

Through these deeper/higher collapsing/cleansing of reversal systems, including negative energetic sorcery subsets, we are witnessing an ELEVATION OF THE EMERALD ORDER. This return to the Crystalline Core of Gaia is a recognition of her future/ancient timeline Aspect of Tara, which was corrupted and annihilated during the initial Invasion of the Earth Experiment over 2 million years ago. We are freeing the 13-Thread radius architecture of the ORIGINal KRYSTAL HEART. The magnification of this is experienced through the (re)installation of the Emerald Heart within the individual Soul architecture, as discerned by the Avatar (Monad Body) and Oversoul Consciousness. It is visualised as a 33/43 faceted EMERALD bio-krystic sacred object installed within the Inner Chalice of the Higher Heart. From this, the radiance of its Light structure is perceived as 13 Threads of varying light encodement that expand from the Core of the Soul. The ripple effect into higher registers of consciousness graduates into a DISPELLING of all sorcery, black magic, anti-Life entanglement and corruption. Such that the EMERALD ORDER embodiment was one of the organic energy structures and architectural Blueprints that were corrupted as a result of the mind control and anti-Life systems that were implanted on planet Earth millions of years ago, with the intention of disrupting this sacred configuration. Its return means the rectification of this distortion and any imprinting that was perpetrated at all levels of Terra-Gaia-Tara’s bio-energetic body and energy systems. This is a momentous event for all individually and for Humanity as a collective whole, as this INSTRUMENT of the DIVINE has not operated here since Tara existed in Her fullness to support the creation of the original Human Angelic Body.

The intensity of any dismantling of all that does not support this Divine integration and GRADUATION INTO THE GALACTIC EMERALD HEART will be felt, experienced and seen in the external by way of collapsing realities, relationships, career and environments that were created out of any Archetypal sorcery, manipulation or lack of cohesion with the higher-dimensional perspective/respect of your Sovereign Self. This evolution is not a fracturing, but indeed there can be foundational change/shifts that may be perceived as seismic, in order to bring through the relevant frequencies in which will harmonise your consciousness with these events within the Ascension timeline. All of this is occurring beyond planetary levels of awareness, at the register of your Galactic Self and beyond, therefore it is imperative that you communicate directly and only with these Higher Aspects of your Be-ing as the singular authority of these experiences. We are no longer in a position to give away our energy or permit it to be ensorcelled by beings and figures within spiritual constructs that were created by Archetypes in their own manner, such as The Guru, The Priest/ess, The Healer, etc. You are your own initiator throughout the Ascending experience and if it is a CHOICE to integrate the encodement gifted through what is presented herein, you are doing so with full HEART PERCEPTION of it being in alignment with your Universal response-ABILITY. We recognise now the cruciality of respecting Universal Laws to promote harmonisation with the multidimensional Self and with each other — as ONE collective, Liberated Humanity.

Y/our CHOICE will ACTIVATE y/our experience of the what is divinely offered, directing us to the Emerald threshold at the Rainbow Bridge of Unity Consciousness. Sing your SOUL note of pure Light and Harmony. MAGNIFY THE GALACTIC EMERALD HEART OF YOUR INNER RADIANCE and live in accordance with your Divine Right as a Sovereign, FREE Be-ing, NOW. Undertake with deep reverence the highest-aligned path that serves your HEART, recognising the brilliance of your Soul in its wholeness, ALL-ness and Eternal expression.

As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your soul path and discard the rest. More energy updates to come as the encodement graduates through the Galactic Heart and Core of this sector. Until then, be kind to yourself and to All others, and live your JOY.

Thank you for embodying the Radiance of your Light for All.

Peace + Light,


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© 2021 Elise Kristina Bonato | GODDESS TRUTH ALCHEMY. All Rights Reserved.


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All content, including archived writings, are Light-encoded and energetically purposed in this manner to activate, stimulate and elevate multidimensional awareness, cellular memories and programming, authentic Awakening, and deep core soul healing for the Greater Good of All. As a result, you may experience triggers related to old programs and lower-vibrational distortions that were not previously visible or felt that, when freed and resolved inwardly, may contribute to supporting your organic Ascension process, Light Body harmonisation and highest-aligned spiritual path. Honour your Self through any instance where this may occur, with the empowered understanding that by becoming aware/conscious of these patterns, memories and programming, you are being provided with an opportunity to clear, purify, activate and integrate your Light and multidimensional Aspects. Through the loving and divinely guided sharing of these offerings, perspectives, encodement and wisdom, we intend to contribute and support All through their Awakening and Ascension processes, through Truthful and embodied Remembering.

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