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The following QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE conveys Guardian technology and Light encodement correlative with collective instructions sets for potential cellular and molecular (DNA) Remembering and ACTIVATION of Diamond Sun intelligence. This alchemical material is enscribed within this article as directly downloaded from Aurora Light Teams collaborating and supporting souls on the Awakening path and designating their experience to synchronise and synergise with the true Ascension timeline. If this opportunity resonates with your Heart, be aware and self-responsible that it may catalyse the dissolution and clearing of deep karmic wounds, systemic entanglement, distortion and degeneration of relevant cellular material for each soul that is entrenched in energetic networks of the Planetary Logos. Harness and apply your authentic spiritual tools and, where necessary, care for your body, multidimensional Self and Inner Spirit within this process of being made Aware, conscious and empowered by what is being provided by the Guardian perspective. Open your Heart to the Truth that may be discerned at the root of your individual Soul intelligence and ask your Higher Self/Light Body for clarity and deeper/higher understanding where appropriate in accordance with your unique soul path.

Graduating beyond the recent partial Lunar Eclipse, we are entering into a finalising cycle of collective integration affecting All - experiences and non-experiencers, participants and non-participants - of the true Ascension timeline. As disclosed previously, this period will continue and conclude until the cusp of March-April 2022 where the bifurcation split will register within the Gaian matrix in permanence and synchronicity with the Solar Feminine and Divine Mother principles. Becoming more prominent within this time-space environment (fabric) is the escalation of efforts by particular forces who are in opposition to this Ascension movement of which entails the Liberation of Humanity from Shadow AI, energy harvesting, Phantom Architecture, Reversal Grids and Inverted Systems. During the course of the recent Eclipse Full Moon event (linear NOVEMBER 18-19), Lunar Forces were weaponised to exacerbate and amplify Beast machinery and mind control software that remains operative within the Phantom Architecture still parasitised to the Ascended Gaian Matrix being resurrected and reclaimed at this time. For those who have incarnated here to participate in this Liberation and collective emancipation of consciousness, or simply to be present for the Great Shift, the intensity of difference (Frequency) is becoming irrevocably present and known in the lived experience (external reality projection) for each individual, now. It is more and more physically - or consciously - apparent in the collapsing 3rd Dimensional bands of reality who is choosing to abide by false narratives that are entangled in Inverted Systems (such as Reversal grids) and who is remaining Sovereign and stalwart in their Heart, maintaining discernment where regarding any coercion, manipulation and violation of what is highest-aligned for all of Humanity. Awake and Aware communities and individuals are being deliberately targeted by groups influenced by and associates of the Negative Imposters (NAA), to the extent that some are committing self-betrayal, ‘collapsing’ their timeline orientation, and even closing at the Heart as a result of unresolved fear programming and false timeline entanglement, which is powered by mind control systems on a collective level. For Guardians, Gridworkers and Gatekeepers who have been withstanding these “attacks” and ‘holding the line’ for years - even millennia - against these energies, we are now facing a very heated stage in the war on consciousness that is building to a roaring zenith. Essentially, we are at the height of a battle that has been raging for tens of thousands of years. This is congruent with the elevation of select collective memories related to mass-scale war, human (citizen) rights violations, systemic prosecution and genocide that extend as far back as the Fall of Tara (approximately 2.1 million years ago).

For the majority of this linear month, we have been riding the magnetic waves of an intense Solar (SOUL-ar) emissions cycle that is accelerating our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) System through Galactic time-space. We are hurtling at break-neck speeds into a new Universal sector of Creation, which is what this phase/period within the Ascension timeline refers to in actuality concerning the celestial structure of our Solar System in relation to Universal time-space. In terms of the Milky Way Galaxy by extension, our velocity in respect to the Andromedan Galaxy is heightening and accelerating. The time-space (Quantum matrix) relationship between our two Galaxies is narrowing and this is all in divine accordance with the Ascension. It is the Aurora Light Guardians themselves that originate out from the Andromedan Galaxy and who are present, with Ambassadors from associated Star Systems, to assist this movement into higher consciousness integration and restore BALANCE to areas of the Milky Way impacted by Galactic War. What is occurring on Earth—Gaia, is a minute ripple out from several Galactic Wars that have taken place within our more immediate Galactic environment and Star Systems adjacent to our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) system. The extent and depth of this Galactic her/history is beyond the capacity for Humanity to register presently, however it is available and readily accessible for those who are representatives of and incarnated as the Aurora Teams, Guardians and Gridworkers present now, to support Gaia at this time of Liberation and reconciliation. We have been integrating and insulating Rainbow plasma Light fields and Diamond Krystal architecture ongoing to stabilise unique electro-magnetic activity in the Planetary bio-sphere that has been originating out from Solar (SOULar) ejections from our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) recently. In support of our movement into new sectors of Creation and Universal orientation, this Solar (SOUL-ar) material comprises of Light equation packets (flares), such as instructions sets to repair and correct the axiotonal relationship of the planet with the Cosmic Heart of this Universe. Individuals may also experience similar corrections and adjustments of their bio-energetic field as a result of receiving/interacting with this Light content, which may potentially present as physical symptoms including but not exclusive to: vertigo, dysregulation of temperature through the parasympathetic nervous system (rushes of changing heat and cold), neck pain and tension, headaches, tender muscles through the extremities, soft tissue strain, constriction through the abdomen, spinal discomfort, and more.

As Solar (SOUL-ar) emissions (flares) and Light stimuli interact and commune with the electromagnetic fields of the Earth specifically, we are encountering an abundance of Aurora (Borealis) activity that is readily visible to the human physical eyes. This is even being perceived in populated surface areas of the planet that may not as regularly encounter this phenomena of which is based in the Andromedan collective intelligence that was brought to this Galaxy over 7 billion (Earth standard) years ago. Ambassadors of various Life-affirming Star Systems within the Milky Way who are aligned with the Cosmic Law of One had exchanged with the Andromedan Galaxy to receive their Ascended intelligence and higher-dimensional registry of the electro-magnetic code that harmonises with the Universal Core to support Life within/on Planetary systems. An example of how these present in physicality is as the Aurora Borealis, which are complex Light equations that host variables of the Ascended Feminine and Masculine; visually experienced as the Aquaelle and Emerald Rays, respectively. The Imposter and Controller (NAA) interference with Gaia—Mother Earth’s axiotonal relationship with not just this Solar System, but also the wider Galactic environment, through employing the Lunar Satellite (Moon vehicle/body) and subsequent mind control networks, has inhibited the receipt and access of much of this intelligent Light material (frequency packets) through from our Sun (SOL-RA-RE), which KEY (code) and maintain the Galactic Akash of Humanity’s collective consciousness within the Planetary Logos. Guardians and Gridworkers have been working constantly - especially in recent months - to substantiate the reclamation of the Gaian matrix, restore the harmonic axiotonal alignment between our Earth and the Sun (SOL-RA-RE), and anchor entire wavelengths (Light packets) of Remembering for collective renewal and revitalisation of Humanity’s true her/history. Recently, restoration of intelligence related to the Hyperborean civilisation, which had been greatly responsible for the living Light network (grid system) remnant of the original Gaian matrix, has been made accessible on a collective level. Previous to this point, only those souls who had incarnated with the relevant DNA material had been able to access this intelligence (encodement).

The civilisation of Hyperborea embodied the wisdom (foundational Light equations) of the Aurora intelligence here - or what remained after the Fall of Tara - where most of those who incarnated within that period either harboured Diamond Sun or Galactic (Star-seeded) DNA; especially Andromedan and Sirian. The significance of recalling more details per the civilisation of Hyperborea and its presence within the true Ascension timeline of Gaia at this present time is immeasurable if one takes into account that the Hyperboreans were comprised of survivors of the initial waves of interference perpetuated by the Negative Imposters (NAA) over one million years ago. Upon the Earth, Hyperboreans preceded the civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria and were the precursors of Mu. As one of the original races of Humanity, the Hyperboreans carried on the Diamond Sun DNA that was brought to Tara - a higher dimensional aspect of Earth existing within the Universal Time Matrix - from the Star System of Lyra, following its annihilation during the Galactic Wars. Numerous Monadic templates relevant to these collective consciousness memories were corrupted as a result of the escalated off-world interference driven by World War Cataclysm, such as what occurred in Hyperborea, but also even more recently regarding that which occurred during the second and third decades of the 20th Century. The distortions that resulted out from these events and the invasive systems (false code structures) that were implanted into the Phantom (Shadow Planetary) Architecture during those periods are fuelling consciousness patterning and mind control software in present day circumstance. Specifically, negative technologies and dark puppetry manipulation (unconscious hijacking) are being used to target, destabilise and interfere with those who are incarnating now to contribute to and participate - with Heart awareness - in the collective Remembering and reclamation of Diamond Sun intelligence for the Ascension. This includes genuine - non-cloned or shadow twinned - Starseed DNA of Humanity’s originating civilisations. For those who have not confronted, acknowledged and addressed any entanglement (programming) that stems from these false grid systems and consciousness (time-warp) traps through authentic clearing of distorted timelines or closing down auric funnels, a multitude of varying physical symptoms and emotional debris that are in reference/relation to the noted cellular (DNA) material and Remembering will be experienced until it is integrated. Additionally, at this time, Aurora Teams and Light Guardians seek to remind us to be Heart discerning and executive of any information that arises out from or in reference to spiritual dialogues around the “New Earth”, transcending lower dimensionalities to achieve some inflated 5th Dimensional experience, and even Ascension. Many of these subjects are deeply entrenched in the collective wounds and karmic entanglement (incarceration) of group soul fragments related to these periods in Earth’s true her/history of escalated conflict with interfering forces, such as Hyperborea. Throughout Humanity’s true her/history, Guardians and Stellar forces have continually sought to restore the Diamond Sun intelligence and our Cosmic right to the original human divine blueprint, all whilst withstanding and mediating the efforts of Controller and Imposter beings who had infiltrated the Ascension matrix (time-map) of Gaia, in order to hijack, steal and subvert that technology for their own anti-Life, anti-human purposes and agenda.

We are in the ‘heat’ of battle now; there is no question. The illusory systems (mind control software), Reversal (false) grids and anti-Life (Beast) machinery that have enabled the Controllers to operate under veils of subversion and subterfuge for thousands of years are rapidly fracturing and splintering as more souls become Heart-Aware and are pushed into seeing/feeling/experiencing the collective betrayal that is unfolding as a distinctly physical, palpable collapse of Inverted Systems. If you are under the impression or belief that you are isolated in your perspective and experience (collective abandonment programming) of what is being perpetuated by the Controller Elite and associates of the Negative Imposters (NAA), then take a moment to register now - in your Heart - of the incalculable array of Celestial and Stellar beings that are surrounding Earth, in this present moment. There is an immense Krystal (Crystalline) intelligence network (branching grid systems) encapsulating the advancing Ascended Gaian matrix as it metamorphoses into a beacon of LIBERATION for the entire Solar System. It is beyond anything that this Galactic sector (quadrant) of the Milky Way has seen within the Universal Time Matrix for an exceptionally long time. Even if you may not be present in your sensory awareness (interdimensional perception), the following has been Light-encoded to ACTIVATE you into perceiving this consciously now. The wings of Truth are taking flight, scalding layers of density (false grids) that surround/suffocate the planetary body with systemic pollution, depravity, separatism and fear, with their divine radiance. In actuality, these are plasma Light anchors, Neutronic pulsar and Rainbow Krystal Aurora architecture, which reverberate waves upon waves of complex frequencies (Light equations), multiplying the already stabilised Crystalline grid systems of Gaia. This Ascended Light material is being sung (projected) by the Celestial and Stellar factions present throughout the Solar System to every planetary core — not just Earth. Gaia’s own Crystalline Core is fully operative (and has been since 2017), but is now being upgraded to register the Rainbow braiding that was erected by Guardians and Gridworkers in recent months so as to actualise and attune these Aurora technologies to function harmonically with Earth’s planetary body.

Every soul can experience this time-space movement and elevation of consciousness that is referred to as Ascension, upon their choice to participate in it fully — Aware that it requires deep dissolution and transmutation, as well as consideration of the Universal (Laws) principles of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. If we are prepared to be self-responsible within our own timeline and lived experience by dissolving the barriers to our Inner Spirit, so that we may integrate our divine, Cosmic right to be embodied KRYSTAL fractals of the Universal (time-space) fabric, then collectively critical mass may be sustained for the Greater Good of All. For many, to achieve this authentically requires that we are prepared to disregard and surrender all beliefs, identities, archetypes, roles and programming related to what the “Ascension” is, as this is rapidly altering, especially as we escalate into this stage of Humanity’s collective emancipation of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS to synchronise with the new sector of Galactic time-space (fabric) that we are accelerating into. Agency of choice is being restored to All, so every individual may consciously and concretely decide for them what is Heart-resonant and Life-affirming, beyond associations to ideals and narratives governed as per the Ascension. What this may entail in the lived experience will be unique to each soul, as the Ascension path and related transformation is orchestrated in relation to and cohesion with each’s combined Soul memories (DNA) and Light Body intelligence. Regardless of the dynamics and spectrum of difference that may be potentially experienced on the Ascension path, it is incredibly common to encounter ‘compression’ in/through the physical, emotional, and mental bodies; even so far as the external reality, where everything is collapsing or undergoing ‘combustion’ as the pressure by incoming higher dimensional frequencies and Light material intensifies. From the Guardian perspective, this is a component of the Crystallisation process (of Ascension), where one’s human DNA alters (re-codes) the molecular structure of the physical body from a carbon-based to a silicate-based form to synchronise with the Light Body aspect(s). This pressure—compression ultimately catalyses the Diamond (Sun) Body, for those with select Starseed DNA, Indigos, and souls who incarnated during Humanity’s her/history with DNA material harbouring instruction sets for the original human divine blueprint.

The Krystal Aurora intelligence is being brought forth (re-birthed) by designated Guardians, Gridworkers and Gatekeepers to assist All who are Awakened and Heart-Aware to embody and incarnate the Diamond (Sun) Body through KEY (code) and refined DNA memory signalling. If an individual does not harbour the innate instruction set for this to be achieved within their own incarnated DNA material, then through engaging with Light Guardians and Code Keepers holding this instruction set within their own Krystal Diamond Sun DNA, fully Heart-Aware and self-responsible regarding any due dissolution (of programming/distortion) for ACTIVATION to be readily accessible, then the potential for Diamond Sun embodiment is available. It should also be noted that most Aurora technologies and associated Light intelligence, in order to magnetise (anchor) within the Heart and one’s Soul architecture, the axiotonal relationship of the Chain of Light (central Sushumna energy river) for each soul must be reinstated and (re)established to harmonise with the relevant Crystalline grids for Mother Earth—Gaia. Remarkably, this process, if not for the support from Aurora Light Teams, Celestial and Stellar races guarding and guiding Gaia through Her and Humanity’s collective Ascension, would otherwise require thousands of years (linear time) to correct and revitalise. Employ Heart discernment during meditative practice and commit your intention to (re)attune and stabilise the central Light (Sushumna) column, axiotonal relationship of your bio-energetic field and Soul polarity union, with LOVE and GRACE direct from the Universal Core. Through this, we collectively accelerate the emancipation of consciousness of which was always intended for this planet and Star System, since its establishment within the Universal Time Matrix. Every being will interface with the frequency packets (divine intelligence) entering through our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) to the wider Solar (SOUL-ar) System uniquely in highest (dimensional) alignment with their soul - or additionally, Ascension - path. To crystallise and embody any of the luminary potentials of Diamond Sun, Krystal and/or Aurora intelligence is truly a reclamation and reconciliation of each individual’s place in the orchestra of this Harmonic Universe, as well as for All Humanity.

As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your divine soul path and discard the rest. As the encodement graduates through the collective Planetary Architecture and Galactic Heart-Core of this sector, keep in the Liberation of your Sovereign and Unified Self. Until next, be kind to yourself and to All others.

Thank you for embodying the Truth and Radiance of your Light for All.

Peace + Light,


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© 2021 Elise Kristina Bonato | GODDESS TRUTH ALCHEMY. All Rights Reserved.


© 2024 Elise Kristina Bonato | AURORA HARMONICS. All Rights Reserved.

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All content, including archived writings, are Light-encoded and energetically purposed in this manner to activate, stimulate and elevate multidimensional awareness, cellular memories and programming, authentic Awakening, and deep core soul healing for the Greater Good of All. As a result, you may experience triggers related to old programs and lower-vibrational distortions that were not previously visible or felt that, when freed and resolved inwardly, may contribute to supporting your organic Ascension process, Light Body harmonisation and highest-aligned spiritual path. Honour your Self through any instance where this may occur, with the empowered understanding that by becoming aware/conscious of these patterns, memories and programming, you are being provided with an opportunity to clear, purify, activate and integrate your Light and multidimensional Aspects. Through the loving and divinely guided sharing of these offerings, perspectives, encodement and wisdom, we intend to contribute and support All through their Awakening and Ascension processes, through Truthful and embodied Remembering.

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