As we accelerate through the Eternal Gateway of Solar (SOUL-ar) Renewal and emancipation of consciousness throughout this Stellar System (of SOL-RA-RE), each soul is being given the opportunity to choose exactly what they wish to live, embody and experience, now. Every moment (atomic rotation) is determined by the vibrational resonance upon which the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies oscillate at. For those Awake, Aware and engaged in the Great Shift, nothing can be obscured within the elevating container of TRUTH that projects through to our Solar (SOL-RA-RE) Stellar System presently. The intensity of this can be Earth-shattering; especially to the Negative Ego and human personality complex, bio-electrically destabilising and energetically implosive at the Heart at Core Soul levels. All are being given an ULTIMATUM, which is on a higher level, a GOLDen (Light Encodement) opportunity to steer into timelines that will be vibrationally aligned with individual Soul Liberation and consciousness expansion extending into the Gaian Matrix. How this ultimatum (ULTIMATE-AUM) is experienced for those still entangling in Controller archetypes and Archontic programming governing the human identity (personality complex), may be devastating (to the mind, Negative Ego functionality) or revelatory (for the Heart and Emotional Body). The perception of this to each soul is unique in terms of their Frequency (vibrational resonance), within the bifurcation split that is occurring in cohesion with Planetary Ascension. Some are discovering that their ideas, notions and beliefs even about spirituality, self-knowledge, Truth-seeking and consciousness are breaking down and no longer resonating, due to parts of the Core Soul detangling or lifting out from systems that are seeded and enforced by Controller energies and the Negative Imposter Agenda (NAA), of which have been responsible for systemic ideologies pervading the collective consciousness for millennia.
It is tantamount to having one foot either side of a steadily expanding fissure breaking apart the crust of the Earth beneath that person. Which side do you instinctively transfer your weight to entirely and what determines this; fear? Do you persist to stay your balance either side, in the hope the ground separating beneath you will slow and cease, regardless (and in rejection of) the TRUTH? Are you prepared to ease the body (and All Aspects of Self) through this fracturing of REALITY in a way that is not preoccupied with the threat of what may or may not be? This abyss of endlessness (Portal of Light) that emerges beneath/before us, as a split in collective consciousness, has been magnifying to an inevitable breaking point. In the perceived lived reality for each and every person, regardless of direct engagement or non-engagement with the activity of Ascension, these changes to Humanity are incontrovertible. As false grid systems break down, the Earth itself bifurcates into birthing the Crystalline Gaian Matrix that was always going to reveal the CORE of TRUTH for Humanity and the Heart of this world, as originally intended. As we peer deep, deep down into the Earth and higher beyond into the Stellar and Galactic spaces (all at once, these two expressions of deeper-higher are the same movement) in which we are All a part of, we are propelled forth (TIME-SPACE ACCELERATION) to look more closely within and at ourselves regarding our placement (energetic orientation) within the Planetary Ascension. What anti-Life, anti-human activity do I permit in my daily experience? What ideologies from systems of society, religion, race, media, culture, academia do I perpetuate? In what ways do I allow myself to be coerced into that which is a violation of my human rights and connection to all Life? What am I resistant to resolving concerning the dissolution of lower-vibrational programming, accumulated trauma and energetic distortion? Am I complicit to any form of dishonouring and/or disrespect of human life on the planet and making choices that are not for the collective liberation of Humanity? Do I stay in my professional/personal position, ideology, belief, mentalism (ego perception), identity, association with an archetype, relationships, and places of residence despite all these being a betrayal of my highest divine potential?
What is being made 'visible' and 'to be seen' for the general masses now on the planet in regards to the bifurcation split of consciousness and Planetary Frequency Elevation (the Ascension) is essentially what Gridworkers, Gatekeepers and Guardians have been anticipating and witnessing for numerous years. These collectives and collaborators have been working, training and preparing endlessly throughout multiple lifetimes to be here now in this current time-space (timeline) and facilitate the work that is being actualised through the Awakened Self. There are these souls who have incarnated ongoing to contribute to the Ascension timeline throughout all of the (true) her/history of Humanity in order to stabilise and amplify the opportunity we are now offered through collective Ascension. The relentless gridwork and transmutation throughout the Planetary Architecture for thousands of years (and more urgently in recent decades) has provided the energetic potential and foundational basis for collective Liberation; for All Be-ings, All Life and All the Light. Most importantly, every individual is being offered this unique opportunity, regardless of their soul history. How each will experience this shall of course be determined by their vibrational resonance (Frequency) and soul script. The result of said gridwork and transmutation that has been orchestrated and inter-woven with emerging (birthing) Crystalline Planetary Architecture is now in the open and available for All to KEY into. Additionally, all this is occurring in tandem with the breaking down and collapsing of false grid systems, Phantom Architecture and NAA technologies throughout the planet’s multidimensional environment. Through the Guardian perspective, this is imaged as Gaia’s Krystal Avatar Body peeling off from the derelict Terra (3D Earth Matrix) to create an entirely unique time-space placement within the Cosmos. To those who identify with certain terminology, this is essentially a variant of the New Earth emergence, however this is a faint, finite definition of something that on a grand scale is beyond any kind of spiritualist language. The evidence of these changes may be witnessed through certain events taking place on a world scale, as a result of efforts by the Negative Imposter Agenda (NAA) to hijack the inevitable Ascension timeline. The intensity and starkness of their efforts is explicit and vile in every way, which is also why each soul must be responsible unto themselves regarding what they subscribe and agree to, how they engage with that content and what is actually experienced by what one compiles with. All of these events and (false) narratives are manipulations, weaponised purposely to distract from what is actually occurring on multidimensional levels; but, these views are no less real to a great margin of the collective, still entangled in Imposter Systems (Phantom Architecture and NAA Beast Machinery). Honouring and respecting every one’s CHOICE (energetic intent) to participate is key now for the whole of Humanity to progress and evolve, as we collectively mediate and balance the bio-energetic and electromagnetic changes occurring individually and on a planetary level.
Light Guardians and Star Be-ings have been incarnating regularly on Gaia (as Terra/Earth) to seed and (re)build the divine architecture that has been continually destroyed, infiltrated or hijacked across aeons of Humanity’s (true and actual) her/history. Evidence of this work has survived physically by way of the beatific ruins and monumental structures of harmonic resonance that still exist to this day. These are cathedrals, geodesic structures (such as pyramids), stone circles, sacred architecture and all derivatives of which have provided us with tangible knowledge of wisdom derived from Galactic connections that Humanity has embodied and upheld throughout Earth her/histroy. All of these efforts have not been in vain, regardless of attempts by the NAA and their Elite associates to annihilate and erase the beauty of these examples of divine intelligence and Ascension technology — as many of these structures are purposed for. From the Guardian perspective, who are among the progenitors of these divine structures, they have been designed exactly for this present point in the Ascension timeline. For Gridworkers, we have been aware of this information and encodement ongoing, in preparation for what is at this time, the ‘heat of battle’. Hence why for a substantial majority of souls on the planet currently, their lived experience will feel this way and any cellular memories or DNA material that remains unresolved in regards to war, incarceration and fear will be weaponised against them to puppet the unconscious mind into complying or ‘collapsing’ into illusory narratives that appear relentless to the observer. The intent of the Negative Imposters, Controllers and their Elite associates (puppets) is to wear down, mutate (quite literately at a DNA level), and manipulate souls against their fellow humans until absolute exhaustion and capitulation to the nightmare illusions they are perpetrating. In this, we must remind all that, like the divine structures and architecture that have survived war, conflict and brutalisation for aeons, we - as a collective consciousness - are enduring nonetheless and shall emerge FREE — if we choose Heart-fully what we engage in. No matter the attempts to dissuade or discourage us, otherwise. Because, for Guardians and many Gridworkers, our Ascending Family, Starseeds and Galactic Races, the Ascension has already taken place. It has already actualised—resounded throughout this Harmonic Universe and Cosmic networks, for we orchestrated and initiated it millennia ago. Humanity is only now registered the ECHO of that reSOUNDing movement in present time-space; ‘catching up to speed’ (TIME-SPACE ACCELERATION). Gaia Herself is anchored in this Truth and as we now escalate into the polarisation of realities that will be clearly evident in the 3rd Dimensional plane of the collective experience, we can choose to embody this knowledge within our CORE nature (conscious expression) through remaining Sovereign, embracing Freedom and exercising conscious choices that are Life-affirming and highest-aligned. The split in consciousness and thresholds of Frequency between Terra (3D) and Gaia (5D and above) has been made plain to see for All. How you embody this is your Sovereign, human right. You are FREE to make that CHOICE, each day, regardless of any systemic distortion, restriction and ideological framework that may arise in your awareness.
As we navigate through the height of this emancipation cycle, extreme measures are being undertaken by Controllers beings through their Inversion technologies (Phantom and AI grids) that charge societal frameworks with amplifying unresolved separatism and ‘divide-and-conquer’ programming within the collective. Discrimination is rife, contributing disharmony within collective energy frameworks and the rehabilitating Planetary Logos. We can bypass this through non-engagement and refusing consent (participation) wherever necessary. Any retaliation, even if performed from a place of awareness or activism, will fuel this separatism agenda. In TRUTH, there are multiple mind control hijacks (AI grid systems) operating that capture those who are in a retaliative or ‘protest’ mind-set, since these behaviours can be influenced by distortion and fragmentation through the Etheric and Astral Bodies entrapped in timeline distortion and Akash material that has not been soul-integrated (karmic entanglement), therefore ensnaring the soul into Phantom Architecture and amplifying division through Controller Beast machinery. UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is NEUTRAL To exercise neutrality and a ‘witness’ perspective within the individual experience is to attune to Unity Consciousness and harness the divine potential within one’s Heart to be free of any mind control software. This can be a way of orienting the lived experience to mediate any Phantom webs—traps and prevent energy drain into persisting false grid systems.
TRUST in all its colours and expressions is being challenged at this time, for all of Humanity, as we (re)experience a collective betrayal. This betrayal refers partly to the revelation of the insidious lie upon which our entire collective experience has been based on historiographically since the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion (approximately 3500 BCE onwards) in the form of ‘known’, academic human her/history. Each measure of Humanity’s socio-cultural framework - even that which is oriented in religion - is destabilising as numerous original DNA records are recovered and restored by inheritors of Arc technology on the planet. These beings are the incarnated Wisdom Keepers that, with their DNA material, hold the TRUTH to restore TRUST to Humanity and within the Hearts of those that Remember beyond the distortion, defilement and obstruction of any information manufactured by the Negative Imposters. We are being provided with endless opportunities now to align with the restoration and RESURRECTION of our Krystal Architecture, to complement Gaia in Her own magnificent evolution. Through that process, we may encounter loneliness, grief, despair, sorrow and inexplicable doubt as this betrayal is realised and Remembered. For each soul, depending upon their time-space orientation along the Ascension timeline, the bio-energetic field will register these emotions and sensations most intensely at the Heart and its complementary energy structures. This entire Heart complex has been overhauled for many on the Awakening path as it is the Gateway for connection to the Inner Spirit, Higher Self (Soul intelligence) and any Higher Aspects beyond conscious perception. As a result, souls will no longer resonate anymore with certain narratives that are being fed and insinuated into the collective consciousness through mass media, systemic programming and false narratives and/or dialogues. These are being communicated as if they are still truthful, however the Heart - if operating in tandem with one’s Soul intelligence - will perceive otherwise. If the Light Body of a person is in the process of receiving the frequencies in which now circulate and wave through the resurrected Gaian Matrix that is harmonising now with divine Arc technology through networks of Light architecture - both in the physical realms and energetically beyond at higher dimensional levels - the person will not resonate with any programmed content or NAA propaganda narratives.
“Propaganda is merely repetition, and repetition of a truth is a lie.” — Krishnamurti
Attuning Heart discernment with incoming Frequency material through the Solar Gateway of our Sun (SOL-RA-RE), as supported by Gaia, to (re)build TRUST at a Core Soul level is especially important now at this stage in the emancipation cycle. Ultimately, this lends to the harnessing of a spiritual resilience that can be maintained and sustained (INNER-DEPENDENCE), regardless of systemic disruption (IN-DEPENDENCE). Controller and Inversion Systems are collapsing at such a rapid rate that, as already expressed, many are experiencing intense destabilisation, insecurity and confusion. Anyone caught up and entangled in these systems in any way - or staying in them through resistance to What Is, by choice or as a result of implied consent - will encounter the same ‘collapsing’ in all areas of their lived experience. The effects can be felt/seen in one’s conscious awareness, relationships, health, career, and so on. We are all able to access the immense acceleration of consciousness that is being made available to Humanity currently and we may delve in to that movement at any point (along the Ascension timeline) in which to accompany Gaia as She escalates and graduates ongoing — ultimately to settle within a new time-space orientation (Planetary ZERO POINT) within this Harmonic Universe. How Gaia—Mother Earth experiences multidimensionality is also shifting in respect to the inter-relationship of dimensional planes within Universal and Cosmic networks. For Gridworkers and those Aware on the Awakening path, this is commonly experienced and/or shown on a mass scale through systems in the external reality breaking down, going ‘dark’ and ‘offline’. Timelines are collapsing heavily at such an extreme rate that Frequency packets transmitting via the Solar Gateway through our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) are ‘off-the-charts’. Evidence of this activity in the physical realm may be attributed to instances of the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis frequenting the North and South pole surface areas of the planet. The heightening of Stellar electro-magnetic activity and magnetic Solar emissions reveal, elevate and amplify any challenges, strife, and advancements of consciousness that stimulate deeper/higher Awakening for the Self. It can be deeply emotional for the personality complex (human aspect) to navigate, but on any occasion that this occurs, the energetic potential this holds to be a portal for substantiating spiritual resilience through the Heart and, eventually, the entire bio-energetic system, is GOLDen (Light Encodement)
Any collapsing timelines will be experienced in the physical body and energetic persona (Etheric Body, especially) as compression, sensations of being squeezed and internal/external pressure (nerve aches). These are all representative of distorted narratives and timelines entangled in false grid systems as they collapse and unravel in tandem with what is occurring on a Planetary scale. When experiencing any of these symptoms in the physical body, it further relates to cellular (DNA) information arising or responding to one’s bio-energetic environment entrenched in systemic ideologies, weaponised (false) narratives and subversions of higher intelligence (corrupt code). It is imperative not to place judgement upon the body and/or Self when experiencing these symptoms and navigating any emotional material, as these are elevating consciously to signal where change and dissolution from said Reversal Architecture, mind control, Controller Systems may be necessary. Now is not a time to remain fixed in ideologies or resist potential transformation beyond what is already conceived within the conscious mind. SURRENDER all judgement regarding these symptomatic experiences and relevant multidimensional clearing — especially unto the Self. To live in alignment with Universal Laws is to respect this at any time, given it interrelates with the Law of Transference (everything changes and evolves, nothing remains fixed or permanent).
The poignancy of honouring all (cellular and DNA) information that surfaces consciously in relation to present changes in the Planetary Architecture fosters the potential for each individual to harmonise with Gaia as She positions in a new quadrant of Galactic space. This is also extended to the time-space orientation of the planet within this Harmonic Universe, where Her Ascended Form will take residence in a sector of higher dimensionality, apart from reversal grid systems and negative technologies. As ideological frameworks and corporate systems fracture and collapse, every soul is also folding in at precisely their own time-space orientation, or vibrational alignment, and will continue to experience Phantom Architecture breaks down. It is a mass domino effect — the falling in of a house of cards, destabilised by the catapulting velocity of Gaia as Her Frequency elevates, the planet increases in speed (TIME-SPACE ACCELERATION) through inter-related dimensional environments. Anything disharmonic in her Greater Architecture and Ascending Body (on all levels) is now being made obsolete and shed; shaken free like the old skin of a mythic creature. The lived external reality will reveal what parts of your energetic nature are still entangled and encapsulated in these systems of Phantom Architecture as they ‘draw you in’. Do not let these ‘pull you down’ with them as they fall. Disconnect, retreat and dissolve all that is siphoning/draining/drawing your energy into the systemic frameworks that are dismantling rapidly. Refrain also from distraction in amidst the processes of dissolution. All beliefs and ways of perceiving the Self, others and socio-cultural systems are being dismantled as the Controller Pillars in which these are based on, which is Negative Imposter technology and black hole machinery, are being torn apart. A reminder also that discrimination and any perpetration of separatism is poison to the Heart field, therefore be very discerning about expressing this internally and externally in your reality (lived experience). Non-engagement is crucial in this, though if you are still encountering friction in relationships, working and living environments, as well as in the body emotionally, address it by going within and inquiring into the Core Soul origin of any physical or emotional responses. These may manifest as a ‘heating’ up in the body, sensations of compression (especially through the head and chest), dizziness, feeling restricted, pressured (physical and mentally) or more extremely, claustrophobic. As electro-magnetic shifts respective of this activity are experienced, one may also encounter tingling in the body (deregulation of the parasympathetic nervous system), emotional frustration (thyroid imbalance), an inability to focus (calcification of the limbic system), feeling ‘buzzed’, as well as restlessness (adrenaline saturation).
Every stage of this process is a dissolution of ideological programming and belief systems that are subversions of the genuine, Heart-oriented Krystal Architecture that was bastardised and mutated out from the invasive efforts of the NAA (Negative Imposter Agenda). These beings went so far as to construct a false Ascension timeline that overlaid the actual Ascension timeline that was the responsibility and protection of particular Guardian collectives through projects guided by the Ascended Aurora Consciousness and Galactic Families. Many souls are only realising now - especially within generalised spiritual communities - that much of the information respective of the Great collective Awakening is distorted, deceptive and significantly hijacked. The collective betrayal of Humanity is deeper than many realise, but each soul will feel this in various graduations of intensity depending on what ideologies or beliefs have been upheld or governing of their experience; especially regarding the Ascension. This is also why many spiritual teachers, facilitators and supposed “masters” who were puppets for Imposter beings or have been manipulated out from these distortions are disappearing, retreating or falling away from public regard. It can be startling to those who have not developed Heart discernment based in TRUTH Frequency and are not actually, fully connected to the Quantum Field, when encountering this information. We are finally able to perceive and have access to the TRUTH regarding the very narratives that we subscribed to within spiritualism and Ascension dialogues that have been greatly interfered with and purposed to hijack, capture and coerce Awakening Souls. Regardless of this activity and deception, All are encouraged into the recognition and understanding that each soul is FREE to reclaim their Sovereignty at any time and in any place. By choosing not to comply with these distortions and by refusing to advocate for the systemic betrayal of Humanity through these manipulations, we liberate not only ourselves, but the collective consciousness also. Whether this is in respect to or concerned with so-called “health” systems, government, societal constructs, relationship paradigms or spirituality, each perversion of the TRUTH is a failure upon Humanitarianism and our individual rights to be FREE citizens within the Cosmic fabric.
How are you resisting change and movement into seeing what no longer can be sustained in the developing evolution of Humanity? In regards to the Ascension, this requires acknowledgement of ideological structures that betray Life (and all its forms and iterations), humanitarian rights and Unity Consciousness. Beyond acknowledgement of any programming that may elevate from these enquiries, we are all encouraged to build spiritual resilience during this time, to formulate and articulate the spiritual ‘house’ of the Soul that may provide the foundation for INNER-DEPENDENCE. To do this requires taking full responsibility in all unique human experiences and living in alignment with Universal Laws, which enacts the Cosmic Law of One. We therefore become global citizens that communicate harmonics beyond human awareness, anchoring wisdom—Light Code to collaborate with others operating through similar spatial and energetic orientations (resonance), ultimately incarnating Unity Consciousness. In the (re)new(ed) time-space positioning within this Harmonic Universe, Gaia is radiant. Every soul that establishes their own unique spiritual resilience and practices this in respect to each’s CHOICE within the Planetary shift will enact transformation that reverberates throughout the collective Logos of Humanity. This opportunity to contribute on a Planetary and eventually Stellar (SOUL-ar) level is the result of continual Guardian and Gridworking efforts to support and stabilise the revitalisation and reinstatement of the Solar Logos for our Sun (SOL-RA-RE) System. Currently, advanced and resurrected Mother Arc technology is being installed for completion throughout the (re)new(ed) Planetary Crystalline grid systems, and this will continue until the transitional cusp of March-April 2022. From the Guardian perspective, this was determined to be the case earlier this year to (re)build ancient and (re)new(ed) advanced technological systems of Krystal Architecture throughout the planet and Gaia’s Ascended form.
The Ascension - in however we articulate this evolutionary movement of collective emancipation - is happening regardless of any past or present interference. No be-ing, energy or system can sway the collective into betraying themselves and group consciousness of this TRUTH, as perceived by Gridworkers and Guardians via the Quantum Field and Source World Domains. Mother Earth's bifurcation split is, for some, already actualised and embodied. We are living this already, daily, through the internal-external reality complex and communion of Soul intelligence into the collective experience. To graduate into this time-space (as it is an orientation within the continuum of this Harmonic Universe), we will have to dissolve all dependence on, connections and entanglement with the Controller Pillars of Society, Negative Mechanisms (mind control software and NAA technology) and false grid systems that have, at a higher dimensional level, already destabilised. The illusory foundations of our societies, cultures, religions, beliefs and ideological systems are deteriorating at an accelerated rate. Through this phase, the general populace may feel and experience an increasing lack of clarity, certainty or security. Fear is prevalent, even to those aware of and observing the emancipation cycle through the conceptual lens of the Ascension. Therefore, in each moment, we are reminded to be compassionate, nurture spiritual resilience and to choose that which will instil a bio-energetic foundation based in Unity Consciousness, Humanitarianism and Universal Laws. All these actualisations in the lived reality (human experience) by navigation of the ego mind (personality complex) require diligence and spiritual discipline, which balances—harmonises via a conscious Heart-Soul communion. Ultimately, from this place of HARMONY and cohesion, we can appropriately connect to the Solar (SOUL-ar) Logos within this Star System, Crystalline-Rainbow-Solar grids and Ascended Planetary Architecture. We KEY into the revitalised (VITAL-LIFE) Systems of Crystalline Harmonics, not the false and illusory distortions of anti-human, anti-Life ideologies. Every soul’s potential (divine blueprint) to make this real is now available and openly accessible, with the support of Infinite Source, Gaia, and our Light Families.
As always, respectfully welcome forth what may resonate in support of your divine soul path and discard the rest. As the encodement graduates through the collective Planetary Architecture and Galactic Heart-Core of this sector, keep in the Liberation of your Sovereign and Unified Self. Until next, be kind to yourself and to All others, and live your JOY.
Thank you for embodying the Truth and Radiance of your Light for All.
Peace + Light,
𓋹 𓂀 𓆄
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